Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Pursuing God

I've been blogging about going deeper with God through my journey and my prayer life. This week it is striking me like a brick against my head as I study the Hebrew name of God "Yahweh Yireh" which means "the Lord will provide" that God is the one who is pursuing me.
Have you thought about it ? You think your seeking God but He's always the one seeking you out first. You have a choice everyday to make. Give back to Him what He's giving you or... not. The not is a dead-end, dried-up existence that is futile. Not a good choice but one, if I'm honest, that I find I make too often.
Could it be that my pride and selfishness gets the better of me? Most likely. I think I blame it on the busyness of life and other various reasons, but the bottom line rests within me. Sin...don't candy coat it what it is. That way as the Holy Spirit brings it to your attention you can confess it and surrender it. Hey, for me, it feels like an ongoing project. How about you?

Reflect on: Genesis 22:9-12
Praise God: He is highly exalted, glorious beyond our understanding
Offer Thanks: That God is pursuing a relationship with you
Confess: Your tendency not to face the difficult things that God wants you to face.
Ask God: For the grace to make the necessary sacrifice

Great book: Praying the Names of God by Ann Spangler

I'm so thankful God is pursuing me. I've heard....that He's after you too.

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