Saturday, November 29, 2008


Yesterday was a great day of feasting, if your able to enjoy the wonderful sights, smells. I wasn't enjoying it as much as I would have liked to. Unfortunately due to a virus I was on the downside of loving all the turkey smells, pumpkin pie, mashed potatoes, gravy and sides. Now that isn't to say I didn't have any of the wonderful delights. No, I'm not that strong, even thought I was under the constant call of the porcelain chamber.

Today however, I am feeling so much better and am truly enjoying some sweet leftovers.

May prayer for you is that you were able to enjoy a wonderful day of fellowship and thanksgiving with family, friends and that you enjoyed good food and good health.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

A laid back day.

Today I took time to enjoy one of the most "laid back days" before the craziness of the holidays. I could have done so many chores today and kept myself busy preparing for the holidays. Sometimes though you must let yourself have a day of not being pushed by a schedule and just take the day off "guilt-free". That is probably one of the most challenging things to do. Driven people operating off of schedules and to do lists often don't experience downtimes without paying with a price of guilt.

I must say I enjoyed catnapping and leisure TV watching. I hope you can enjoy a day like this from time-to-time.