Sunday, June 3, 2007


We are so fortunate here in America to have freedoms that are protected. It is a great privilege to be able to worship God and not be verbally abused or threatened to be killed. I'm sure I don't always appreciate this freedom as I should.

One of my dear friends in Cairo, Egypt was telling me early this morning over the week-end (late morning for her) that it is very difficult there for Christians, especially since the recent conflict between Muslims and Coptic Christians. The recent clash has increased tensions in that country. Many persecutions are now taking place but since their government is Muslim they often can experience injustices because they do not possess equal rights with Muslims.

Could this be and indicator as to why Egypt recently was mentioned in an article in Christianity Today that about 35% of the country, the lowest percentage of concern in the world, regarding the tragedy of persecution and extermination of life that is taking place in a country that is their neighbor, Sudan.

May we all remember to be thankful for our freedoms and to pray for those who are being persecuted in the Middle East and around the world.

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