Friday, March 2, 2007


Friday's are my days to be off from work, or at least I try to be. Recently I started helping get Josh & Paige off to school and watch Tori. What a hoot they are, from the time I get to their house, my grandson is trying to get ready for school - without getting distracted from reading a book or picking up his GameBoy. Then there's Paige who doesn't want to get out of bed and you have to practically drag her out so she has time to get dressed, get breakfast, get her hair done, her teeth brushed before going out the door with "Opa" who comes to take her to preschool. However, it's Tori, who's takes the prize. What a livewire she is. Today while trying to finish up some setups on my Blog I got her occupied with magazines, toys, shoes (a favorite of hers) and all of this didn't work as she found it funnier to shut my computer down three times before I could stop her. The room is a disaster with "fun" but finally, it was just time to hold her on my lap and let her have center attraction. She repaid me for this with love sound "farts" on my cheek. Wow, was that ever fun. Remember what I said about bellylaughs ...great moments on the beach today.

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