Sunday, July 15, 2007

Before I go...

Haven't been blogging in almost two weeks. Incredible...ridiculous...time flies by when you're having fun or learning so much that your head is spinning.

This is truth - I am learning and relearning and it's ok.

God is good as I'm preparing to go to China to work with orphans. Kids that nobody wants. Kids that need to know they are known, loved, remembered.

It's easy to get callous to the needs of the world.
It's easy to say let someone else go.
It's easy to get busy and put them out of your mind.
I did.

"God change my heart and let it break for the things that break your heart. By the power of the Holy Spirit please let me never again grow insensitive to the overwhelming needs of people both near and far. Help me to remember that you are bigger than the overwhelming needs of the world. If I trust you to do "all things" then you can use me to make a difference in people's lives anywhere you take I trust in you - you will be the difference in me. Amen."