Monday, May 7, 2007

A twist on prayer and laughter

Last week my friend who will remain nameless - NOT ...Lynn A. went into her prayer closet with her little dog Autumn. She and I had been talking the day before and I had shared with her how I have this routine in the morning for prayer "1. 2. Do It". I get up, go to the bathroom, brush my teeth and get in my prayer closet. I did this at the prompting of my prayer prophet (see earlier posting). She related easily to the distractions that kept me from prayer time. Lynn felt that she might try this routine also.

So Lynn is in the closet with Autumn and realizes, the dog is a distraction and turns the door knob to let her out and it just turns in her hand. She jumps up in the closet and says "Oh God NO!" (Did God really have anything to do with this ?)

Long story short, she finally gets free of the closet and I'm 3rd on her to-do list: 1) Let the dog out 2) Call her work and let them know and ... our conversation took place something like this (a condensed version):
L: Faye, I was in my prayer closet today.
F: Lynn, that's great !
L: Faye I was in there for 4 1/2 hours.
F: WOW Lynn, that is really great - you get the prize.
L: NO Faye, I was locked in my closet and couldn't get out.
F: Lynn, do you want me to come and let you out?
L: Faye, if I had my cell phone on me I would've called you to get me out of the closet sooner.

I'm telling you Lynn and I were laughing so hard we were crying. I was on my knees in my cubicle and I'm sure I was disturbing my neighbor Jessica but I couldn't help laughing so hard. Not only at Lynn as she told me detail by detail of her thoughts and the creative way she escaped. We also laughed at my "blonde" response ( duh !). We weren't sure what this lesson was but we were both sure there was a lesson in this.

Later the next day I thought...Mmmm..., perhaps Lynn would share this story in huddle on Sunday morning in The ReignForest. You see last Sunday I challenged the even months serving team to pray a minimum of 5 minutes each day and this months team was fresh on rotation duty. Well Lynn said yes, she would share. (GOD BLESS HER !!)

Anyone who knows Lynn knows that she can be very animated. Well she came and shared her story and what a "hoot" and a hit it was. Many volunteers laughed until they cried and some came to hear the story twice.

Thanks Lynn for coming out of the closet. Maybe your story will remind the of the laughter enjoyed on Sunday and they will remember to participate in the prayer challenge.

Hey could be that they will find 5 minutes turns into 10 minutes which turns into 20 minutes and before you know it - their prayer life is changed.

Remember God created both prayer and laughter... He's Good.

1 comment:

Tina said...

Ok, I've got a visual in my head of Lynn, Autumn and God in the closet. It sounds like the beginning of a funny joke....So there was a woman, a dog, and God in a closet......Too funny!