Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Kudos to Entertainment - MLL

Recently, a couple came in to NewPointe and the 14 year old said "Hey, this place is like a Jesus Mall."
Well, evidently some might think that...it is a place where people like to shop. Sure we have people who are shopping for entertainment, a welcome, a healing, a helping hand, perhaps even a life-changing experience.
My husband, Len, took the opportunity to invite the sales manager where he works to Married Life Live (MLL). Yeah- a night of entertainment. They really had a good time. We enjoyed showing them a place where we love to come on the week-ends. Where we get connected, get our serving fix and get spiritually fed.

They were so jacked about the night that Larry mentioned to Len they were planning on visiting some Sunday and that they would bring their family.

Guess what ? They showed up this past Sunday...all of them, their adult children, spouses, grandchildren - WOW, that's really cool isn't it. Len and I were both tied up with our Sunday morning roles so our friends Tom and Vernita came to the rescue and gave these guests personal assistance helping them find out where to go and how to get the kids registered. That's what people do who are connected and have that family sense of belonging...they step up and take care of one another, even to the point of caring for friends of friends.

We are blessed with a relevant and cool environment where our friends and neighbors can be invited to come and find a personal welcome. Also they will find the best eternal care plan presented and a life changing message.

OH Yes, Larry and Carla are bringing their children back to Married Life Live on August 18th. We have other plans, but cool beans, they want to come on their own.

You might want to start now to take the time to invest and invite someone to MLL. You might light up someone's world with more than entertainment.

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