Len and I went to see this musical at the Akron Civic Theatre. It was advertised as family friendly and it sure was. So refreshing. The variety and talent of the show was really impressive. We received tickets from Larry Wilgus, music director, of the production. During the show, Larry had some people talk about what they do each year as Christmas traditions, this was a nice engagement of the audience. He also had the audience sing a couple of times together and they did, it was very very nice. I told my son-in-law when we returned home that it would be a great tradition to start attending this as a family next year. Especially if the production takes place at NewPointe Community Church. I don't know if that will happen but I sure think it would be a great event for our community and our family.
The Akron Civic Theatre is really something to behold. WOW! They restored this place around 12 years ago and it's impressive. Len and I had been there in the early 90's to attend a Newsboys concert and the theatre was in need of repair. They sure did an outstanding job. The detailed architecture is worth making the trip up there.
After the show we while waiting for people to file out of the balcony we were surprised to see a couple of other NewPointer's, Dave & Miriam. We all were impressed with the ceiling, the constellation of stars imbedded in the ceiling and the moving clouds; lighting just the overall beauty of the place. I told Dave I really would like to do the sky like that in North Canopy in The ReignForest at NewPointe. He said he could do that. He had done something like this for another place. WOW, That would be sooo coool!!! I know our preschoolers, volunteers and guests would be in awe. And you know, there's nothing like the wonder of God's beautiful heavens, the work He did on the fourth day, to put you in awe of His majesty and handiwork. Cool beans!
Well, you still have a chance to see this show since it will be playing still on Sunday, December 14th. You won't regret making the trip up to Akron to take this in.
Oh, another cool thing Akron has going on is the outside ice skating rink. It sure was great to see all the families there having a good time in downtown Akron. It kind of makes me want to get out the old ice skates. It's been awhile but it's probably like riding a bike ... right? ha ha ha, Just to be safe I'd better strap a pillow on the backside if you know what I mean.
Enjoy the holidays.
Welcome to my blog where I'm sharing my passions, my thoughts, and my journey in life.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Thinking about opportunities of conflict
Today I had a great opportunity to talk with a young mother about baby dedication, being new to the church she is just getting engaged with a small group and I was excited to hear about that. Discussing baby dedication always offers me a segway to serving opportunities.
How exciting it was to engage with her about the variety of serving options we have at NewPointe. Did you know that in The ReignForest we have serving opportunities that are only 35 minutes long or that a serving opportunity can be 2 or 3 times a year ? She was so excited to find out that she could get engaged in a lower commitment serve that has a big impact.
She also asked some specific questions about baby dedication about the questions we ask. Since her husband is not a believer or follower of Jesus Christ. I still encouraged her to have him attend the parent meeting. You see I believe this could be an opportunity for the Holy Spirit to stir a conflict or cause an opportunity for a conversation.
I am so fortunate to work with Kevin West who is a down-to-earth communicator, and explains well the questions we ask at the parents meeting for baby dedication. It takes courage to ask parents to wait to have their little ones dedicated and often that opens a different conversation or possibly conflict.
I don't believe that is a bad thing because 1) The Holy Spirit causes conflict within ourselves as he convicts us of sin 2) Without the conflict of the Holy Spirit we would not recognize our need of Jesus Christ as our personal Savior.
This causes me to filter conflict through a biblical perspective.
Just thinkin' about: Do I allow the Holy Spirit to work in my life to face conflict courageously so that life change is genuine? or Do I only want change when it accomodates my lifestyle or fits my viewpoint.
What are your thoughts about changes that take place in your life?
How exciting it was to engage with her about the variety of serving options we have at NewPointe. Did you know that in The ReignForest we have serving opportunities that are only 35 minutes long or that a serving opportunity can be 2 or 3 times a year ? She was so excited to find out that she could get engaged in a lower commitment serve that has a big impact.
She also asked some specific questions about baby dedication about the questions we ask. Since her husband is not a believer or follower of Jesus Christ. I still encouraged her to have him attend the parent meeting. You see I believe this could be an opportunity for the Holy Spirit to stir a conflict or cause an opportunity for a conversation.
I am so fortunate to work with Kevin West who is a down-to-earth communicator, and explains well the questions we ask at the parents meeting for baby dedication. It takes courage to ask parents to wait to have their little ones dedicated and often that opens a different conversation or possibly conflict.
I don't believe that is a bad thing because 1) The Holy Spirit causes conflict within ourselves as he convicts us of sin 2) Without the conflict of the Holy Spirit we would not recognize our need of Jesus Christ as our personal Savior.
This causes me to filter conflict through a biblical perspective.
Just thinkin' about: Do I allow the Holy Spirit to work in my life to face conflict courageously so that life change is genuine? or Do I only want change when it accomodates my lifestyle or fits my viewpoint.
What are your thoughts about changes that take place in your life?
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Yesterday was a great day of feasting, if your able to enjoy the wonderful sights, smells. I wasn't enjoying it as much as I would have liked to. Unfortunately due to a virus I was on the downside of loving all the turkey smells, pumpkin pie, mashed potatoes, gravy and sides. Now that isn't to say I didn't have any of the wonderful delights. No, I'm not that strong, even thought I was under the constant call of the porcelain chamber.
Today however, I am feeling so much better and am truly enjoying some sweet leftovers.
May prayer for you is that you were able to enjoy a wonderful day of fellowship and thanksgiving with family, friends and that you enjoyed good food and good health.
Today however, I am feeling so much better and am truly enjoying some sweet leftovers.
May prayer for you is that you were able to enjoy a wonderful day of fellowship and thanksgiving with family, friends and that you enjoyed good food and good health.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
A laid back day.
Today I took time to enjoy one of the most "laid back days" before the craziness of the holidays. I could have done so many chores today and kept myself busy preparing for the holidays. Sometimes though you must let yourself have a day of not being pushed by a schedule and just take the day off "guilt-free". That is probably one of the most challenging things to do. Driven people operating off of schedules and to do lists often don't experience downtimes without paying with a price of guilt.
I must say I enjoyed catnapping and leisure TV watching. I hope you can enjoy a day like this from time-to-time.
I must say I enjoyed catnapping and leisure TV watching. I hope you can enjoy a day like this from time-to-time.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Checking in
Wow, I'm finding it harder and harder to get back into "blog world". When I have time to surf or write, it's usually in facebook or on twitter. It just seems to be easier to check in and say what I'm doing quickly..and I absolutely love checking out other people's updates and looking at their photo albums.
Here's the skinny on what I'm reading and an update on book studies:
"Wild Goose Chase" continues, one more meeting. What a book, it's really awesome.
I started reading "The Power of the Rubberband" by Nancy Ortberg. Proving to be a good read.
I'm listening to a book when in transit entitled "Secret Believers" - excellent for missions
Lastly, in a book study with co-workers "Becoming a Person of Influence". I've read it before but am really gleaning a lot more through this study.
OK..so that's the easy stuff. Recently, my grand-daughter came to live with me along with her mommy, daddy is staying in Columbus until the house sales. So I have this great joy of picking up Charlotte 3-4 nights each week. My life schedule has really changed. She is so sweet though. Len (Big Papa) and I are very much enjoying her. Seeing her smile, making her laugh and comforting her (she's teething) as I dance with her, talk baby talk, be silly is not only good for her, it's good for me. The absolute best is that I get to pray over her and whisper in her ear that God made her, God loves her and Jesus wants to be her friend forever.
May God bless you. Don't forget that this truth is for you also.
Here's the skinny on what I'm reading and an update on book studies:
"Wild Goose Chase" continues, one more meeting. What a book, it's really awesome.
I started reading "The Power of the Rubberband" by Nancy Ortberg. Proving to be a good read.
I'm listening to a book when in transit entitled "Secret Believers" - excellent for missions
Lastly, in a book study with co-workers "Becoming a Person of Influence". I've read it before but am really gleaning a lot more through this study.
OK..so that's the easy stuff. Recently, my grand-daughter came to live with me along with her mommy, daddy is staying in Columbus until the house sales. So I have this great joy of picking up Charlotte 3-4 nights each week. My life schedule has really changed. She is so sweet though. Len (Big Papa) and I are very much enjoying her. Seeing her smile, making her laugh and comforting her (she's teething) as I dance with her, talk baby talk, be silly is not only good for her, it's good for me. The absolute best is that I get to pray over her and whisper in her ear that God made her, God loves her and Jesus wants to be her friend forever.
May God bless you. Don't forget that this truth is for you also.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
Book Study

Mark is talking about God instructing Abraham to go out of his tent and look up at the stars in the sky. He was having his focus, attention, perspective redirected. It was clear that God wanted Abraham to unobscure his vision. As long as Abraham held on to his obscured vision it would keep God's promises from his sight. Mark refers to this as "undeveloped psychological capacity in children known as object permanence: out of sight, out of mind. We lose perspective when we lose sight of the promises of God."
I don't know about you, but I confess that I am guilty of object permanence. Yep, sometimes I forget just how big God is. I need to go stargazing and "get a grip" on how small I am. I need to stop putting Eight Foot Ceilings on what God can do in the world around me and wants to do an amazing work in me too.
This book is excellent. Mark says he has prayed for you even before you begin to read this book.
Hey thanks Mark for responding to my note in facebook and I'm glad my word pre-prayers earned a :-) with you. It's good to know your real small-just like me.
Pick it up, I think you'll like the insights God has given to him to share with us.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Unendurable endurance
Today in my one-on-one with my boss I expressed how over the past month I realized my test may have been one of endurance. It had been a long long time since I had faced such a time of depression and turmoil in my life. Somehow, Thank God-he uses times like these to draw me close to Him.
This place was familiar to me with it's sensation of spinning and spiraling. It was a place from the past-not a place I really wanted to visit again. For over 20 years, early on in my marriage, I had suffered with the life-draining beast of depression. At times it had gotten so bad that I thought I must be losing my mind. Turning to doctors and medication I would do different programs and prescriptions but they never seemed to be the answer for me.
People often try to encourage you with wisdom of their own or using God's Word to help "bring you to your senses". You know, "What have you got to be depressed about?" "You need to count your blessings." and on and on. All valid sayings, all justifiable things to do. But perhaps one should consider an option of just being supportive with offering to remember them in prayer, to simply sit by them, walk with them or just be a friend rather than focusing on trying to fix the person or their problem. You can never ever go wrong by remembering a person in your prayers.
This place where I was residing was what I refer to as "the funnel". Imagine yourself living life outside the funnel and all of a sudden you find yourself on a slick slanted surface swirling around and downward into a spiral and as you go lower and lower it gets darker and darker.
This is a dark, lonely, unfriendly place.
It's a place filled with imaginary conversations.
Tell me, is it realistically a place someone would purposely journey to?
I have not been able to blog about this because it's been difficult to understand what the struggle was all about. I'm pretty sure I most likely was suffering burnout. My energy level was so low that I didn't even have fumes to smell. One thing I knew I had to regain margin in my life, like my life depended on it ..because it really did.
So how is it turning around...I've experience some good margin over the past few weeks, setting time to be quiet, enjoy vigorous activity in nature and depending on God's ability to cover me with His wings of protection and teach me His secret of glory-strength endurance. Currently I'm counting more good days than bad ones. It's doesn't looke like it's going to be a 20 year event. Praise God!!
Thank you God for your ability to cover me, provide shelter and your faithful promise of armor and protection.
Psalm 91:4 (New Living Translation)
4 He will cover you with his feathers. He will shelter you with his wings. His faithful promises are your armor and protection.
Colossians 1:10-12 (The Message)
9-12Be assured that from the first day we heard of you, we haven't stopped praying for you, asking God to give you wise minds and spirits attuned to his will, and so acquire a thorough understanding of the ways in which God works. We pray that you'll live well for the Master, making him proud of you as you work hard in his orchard. As you learn more and more how God works, you will learn how to do your work. We pray that you'll have the strength to stick it out over the long haul—not the grim strength of gritting your teeth but the glory-strength God gives. It is strength that endures the unendurable and spills over into joy, thanking the Father who makes us strong enough to take part in everything bright and beautiful that he has for us.
My prayer for you today if you are in a dark place is to allow someone to walk beside you, sit with you or pray for you. Then endure the unendurable so you will find the glory-strength that only God can give.
Thanks for reading a little bit about my recent journey.
This place was familiar to me with it's sensation of spinning and spiraling. It was a place from the past-not a place I really wanted to visit again. For over 20 years, early on in my marriage, I had suffered with the life-draining beast of depression. At times it had gotten so bad that I thought I must be losing my mind. Turning to doctors and medication I would do different programs and prescriptions but they never seemed to be the answer for me.
People often try to encourage you with wisdom of their own or using God's Word to help "bring you to your senses". You know, "What have you got to be depressed about?" "You need to count your blessings." and on and on. All valid sayings, all justifiable things to do. But perhaps one should consider an option of just being supportive with offering to remember them in prayer, to simply sit by them, walk with them or just be a friend rather than focusing on trying to fix the person or their problem. You can never ever go wrong by remembering a person in your prayers.
This place where I was residing was what I refer to as "the funnel". Imagine yourself living life outside the funnel and all of a sudden you find yourself on a slick slanted surface swirling around and downward into a spiral and as you go lower and lower it gets darker and darker.
This is a dark, lonely, unfriendly place.
It's a place filled with imaginary conversations.
Tell me, is it realistically a place someone would purposely journey to?
I have not been able to blog about this because it's been difficult to understand what the struggle was all about. I'm pretty sure I most likely was suffering burnout. My energy level was so low that I didn't even have fumes to smell. One thing I knew I had to regain margin in my life, like my life depended on it ..because it really did.
So how is it turning around...I've experience some good margin over the past few weeks, setting time to be quiet, enjoy vigorous activity in nature and depending on God's ability to cover me with His wings of protection and teach me His secret of glory-strength endurance. Currently I'm counting more good days than bad ones. It's doesn't looke like it's going to be a 20 year event. Praise God!!
Thank you God for your ability to cover me, provide shelter and your faithful promise of armor and protection.
Psalm 91:4 (New Living Translation)
4 He will cover you with his feathers. He will shelter you with his wings. His faithful promises are your armor and protection.
Colossians 1:10-12 (The Message)
9-12Be assured that from the first day we heard of you, we haven't stopped praying for you, asking God to give you wise minds and spirits attuned to his will, and so acquire a thorough understanding of the ways in which God works. We pray that you'll live well for the Master, making him proud of you as you work hard in his orchard. As you learn more and more how God works, you will learn how to do your work. We pray that you'll have the strength to stick it out over the long haul—not the grim strength of gritting your teeth but the glory-strength God gives. It is strength that endures the unendurable and spills over into joy, thanking the Father who makes us strong enough to take part in everything bright and beautiful that he has for us.
My prayer for you today if you are in a dark place is to allow someone to walk beside you, sit with you or pray for you. Then endure the unendurable so you will find the glory-strength that only God can give.
Thanks for reading a little bit about my recent journey.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Quick Hello
Wow-it's been a long time..sorry. Lots has happened since the birth of my lovely little "peanut" Charlotte. (She's not a peanut anymore, but becoming a giant cashew.)
I was intensely involved in helping to prepare a team to go to Egypt to organize VBS for about 2,000 children and Sunday school teacher training for about 100 leaders. That took an immense portion of my time. Actually it seemed to own my life. It was an important investment. This is something I loved to do. I had hoped to catch up a little bit and blog while in Egypt but I did not have any time or connectability. When first landing in Cairo it looked like I had a window to connect but it was soon closed and then we traveled to Suhag/Akmeem in Upper Egypt, (seven hours south of Cairo by train) there definitely was not a moment when we had availability or access to the internet.
Hey, I've hit the ground running before but this has been a marathon. Don't you usually rest after one of those?
So...here I am finally back. I'll give you glimpses of the past 2-12/ months over the next week.
Thanks to all of you who have been checking and saying something to me about getting back...you are a great encouragement to me.
Coming soon - more pictures of the team and trip to Egypt.
Here is a picture of a couple of wonderful friends from Egypt.
Pastor Raulf, me, Dr. Hany.
I miss you guys !!
I was intensely involved in helping to prepare a team to go to Egypt to organize VBS for about 2,000 children and Sunday school teacher training for about 100 leaders. That took an immense portion of my time. Actually it seemed to own my life. It was an important investment. This is something I loved to do. I had hoped to catch up a little bit and blog while in Egypt but I did not have any time or connectability. When first landing in Cairo it looked like I had a window to connect but it was soon closed and then we traveled to Suhag/Akmeem in Upper Egypt, (seven hours south of Cairo by train) there definitely was not a moment when we had availability or access to the internet.
Hey, I've hit the ground running before but this has been a marathon. Don't you usually rest after one of those?
So...here I am finally back. I'll give you glimpses of the past 2-12/ months over the next week.
Thanks to all of you who have been checking and saying something to me about getting back...you are a great encouragement to me.
Coming soon - more pictures of the team and trip to Egypt.
Here is a picture of a couple of wonderful friends from Egypt.
Pastor Raulf, me, Dr. Hany.
I miss you guys !!
Sunday, June 29, 2008
A new addition to the Family
Yesterday morning my daughter, Erica, gave birth to our fourth grandchild. It was her first child and she did a marvelous job during the labor process. Her husband, Aaron, was a fantastic coach and was attentive to her every need.

Len and I were able to be in the birthing room when Charlotte arrived. We had never participated in the birthing process as spectators and it was a very special time. Dublin Methodist hospital is fantastic...it reminds you of a Hilton Hotel with it's serene atmosphere, Zen gardens with and state of the art capabilities.
"Thank you God for so many great blessings. One of which is the process of new life. We are grateful that we were able to witness the birth of our fourth grandchild and marvel at the wonder of your creation. We thank you for her health and for being with Erica during the labor process.
May her life and her parents lives be lived to bring glory and honor to God. Amen."
The speed of God
I'm amazed - I shouldn't be, but I am.
At what? Well, how quickly God can bring things together. This week I watched an amazing transaction of trust and connectivity come together for this year's Impact Middle East VBS team travelling to Upper Egypt. You see, we have a very short time to prepare and become a "team". Normally this would be stressing me out - but it's not. I've given this over to God. This is definitely a God thing - WOW, I'm so glad that I've released control over to Him.
This team has some high goals - over 2,000 children in 6+ villages. In addition to modeling VBS we doing teacher training and equipping them with relevant curriculum in Arabic. Yep, it's in the process now, the translation is soon to begin.
It's going to be an amazing ride.
I've got to pinch myself - Is there anything better than watching the hand of God move to bring about His purposes.
WATCH FOR IT - His hand moving in lives causing lifechange
EXPECT IT - His glory will be revealed through lives changed
BE A PART OF IT - Take action get engaged by serving, praying and giving
***click here NewPointe.org so you too can personally experience lifechange.
Life is way cool when engaged for His glory.
At what? Well, how quickly God can bring things together. This week I watched an amazing transaction of trust and connectivity come together for this year's Impact Middle East VBS team travelling to Upper Egypt. You see, we have a very short time to prepare and become a "team". Normally this would be stressing me out - but it's not. I've given this over to God. This is definitely a God thing - WOW, I'm so glad that I've released control over to Him.
This team has some high goals - over 2,000 children in 6+ villages. In addition to modeling VBS we doing teacher training and equipping them with relevant curriculum in Arabic. Yep, it's in the process now, the translation is soon to begin.
The challenge to raise the funds with the $500 increase per ticket, the team needs to raise $17,000. This makes it even more interesting to see what God is going to do.
It's going to be an amazing ride.
I've got to pinch myself - Is there anything better than watching the hand of God move to bring about His purposes.
WATCH FOR IT - His hand moving in lives causing lifechange
EXPECT IT - His glory will be revealed through lives changed
BE A PART OF IT - Take action get engaged by serving, praying and giving
***click here NewPointe.org so you too can personally experience lifechange.
Life is way cool when engaged for His glory.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Tonight while working out at Super Fitness I got so energized by a book I am rereading and a song by Chris Tomlin that I was listening to on my ipod. The book, I've mentioned before is Captivated by Grace by Dr. David Jeremiah. I'm telling you the second time through I'm getting so much more out of it. It may be because I believe I've really grown a lot this year in my relationship with God and I'm doing a better job at listening to His "still voice".
Anyway, this book has helped increase my appreciation of grace by reminding me of the many benefits of grace that is provided through my friend and Savior Jesus Christ.
Here's what was getting my juices flowing so much until I had to start running on the treadmill....or I was going to get off of it and start dancing...that would have looked strange.
Here's what Dr. Jeremiah writes: "The grace-driven believer disciplines his passions as a military leader would discipline his troops. And what passions? Eating, sleeping, talking, playing. The Spirit of God will point you to the specific issues of your own life."
I see hope in discipline.
I'm learning that as I continue my plan with Thin & Healthy for eating and exercising. There is such a strong correlation between our spiritual journey and the discipline of taking care of our body.
The beginning of Titus 2:12 says "We should live soberly..." I always thought of that word in a negative way - Whoa, did I have that wrong...a good translation of the word would be "with self-control". Well, how do you take care of your body...yes, it must be soberly. And your relationship with God? Yes, soberly, so you can exercise sound mind and judgement in all your passions and desires.
Wow - this stuff is life changing.
Read the words of "His Grace Is Enough" by Chris Tomlin or go get it on iTunes
Great is Your faithfulness oh God
You wrestle with the sinner's heart
You lead us by still waters and to mercy
And nothing can keep us apart
So remember Your people
Remember Your children
Remember Your promise Oh God
Your grace is enough
Your grace is enough
Your grace is enough for me
Great is Your love and justice
God You use the weak to lead the strong
You lead us in the song of Your salvation
And all Your people sing along
So remember Your people
Remember Your children
Remember Your promise Oh God
Your grace is enough
Your grace is enough
Your grace is enough for me (x2)
So remember Your people
Remember Your children
Remember Your promise Oh God
Your grace is enough
Your grace is enough
Your grace is enough for me
Your grace is enough
Heaven reaching down to us
Your grace is enough for me
God i see your grace is enough
I'm covered in your love
Your grace is enough for me
For me
Anyway, this book has helped increase my appreciation of grace by reminding me of the many benefits of grace that is provided through my friend and Savior Jesus Christ.
Here's what was getting my juices flowing so much until I had to start running on the treadmill....or I was going to get off of it and start dancing...that would have looked strange.
Here's what Dr. Jeremiah writes: "The grace-driven believer disciplines his passions as a military leader would discipline his troops. And what passions? Eating, sleeping, talking, playing. The Spirit of God will point you to the specific issues of your own life."
I see hope in discipline.
I'm learning that as I continue my plan with Thin & Healthy for eating and exercising. There is such a strong correlation between our spiritual journey and the discipline of taking care of our body.
The beginning of Titus 2:12 says "We should live soberly..." I always thought of that word in a negative way - Whoa, did I have that wrong...a good translation of the word would be "with self-control". Well, how do you take care of your body...yes, it must be soberly. And your relationship with God? Yes, soberly, so you can exercise sound mind and judgement in all your passions and desires.
Wow - this stuff is life changing.
Read the words of "His Grace Is Enough" by Chris Tomlin or go get it on iTunes
Great is Your faithfulness oh God
You wrestle with the sinner's heart
You lead us by still waters and to mercy
And nothing can keep us apart
So remember Your people
Remember Your children
Remember Your promise Oh God
Your grace is enough
Your grace is enough
Your grace is enough for me
Great is Your love and justice
God You use the weak to lead the strong
You lead us in the song of Your salvation
And all Your people sing along
So remember Your people
Remember Your children
Remember Your promise Oh God
Your grace is enough
Your grace is enough
Your grace is enough for me (x2)
So remember Your people
Remember Your children
Remember Your promise Oh God
Your grace is enough
Your grace is enough
Your grace is enough for me
Your grace is enough
Heaven reaching down to us
Your grace is enough for me
God i see your grace is enough
I'm covered in your love
Your grace is enough for me
For me
On May 22nd I received a call from my son-in-law telling me that Heather, my daughter, had taken ill while at a trade show in Massachusetts. He didn't know how bad it was but he was waiting to find out. Later he called me back to tell me she was very sick and had been admitted to the hospital there in Springfield. He said he was going to drive over with the kids, about a 12 hour trip. I told him, I'd like to go with you. I can help drive and help with the kids. It was a grueling trip. When we finally arrived around noon on Friday, Heather looked bad. They weren't sure when or if they were going to do surgery. They really needed to wait until her liver number wasn't so high. She was not happy and wanted to go home to have surgery. Her condition however was life threatening and she couldn't be transported home. She called and talked with her doctor back home and he advised she stay there, the condition "mild pancreatitis" can turn ugly quick and be life threatening. There we were, Greg and I and 3 kids staying in a motel visiting the hospital 2x each day and sometimes I would leave Greg there and take the kids on my own. What made the week-end even more stressful was it was Memorial Day week-end and on Sunday Heather was to host a baby shower for her sister Erica in Columbus, Ohio. Could it get anymore complicated. This was to be a big week-end for our family. We had planned to all go down together and have a great family time. Who would have guessed that something different was going to take place.
What I personally found interesting is that earlier that week our small group begun to watch a 3 part sermon series on "Joy" by Francis Chan. Yep, little did I know that I would soon be applying the scripture from Philipians 4:4 "Rejoice in the Lord always, again I say rejoice!" and Philipians 5 Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. 6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
These verses would become all I could think about. OK, this is a tough test, standing there at my daughter's bed and seeing her in such pain and in mental anguish because she felt like she was ruining her sister's special time in not being able to host the baby shower and their mother was not going to be there either...in addition to that she realized there was no guarantee that something could possibly go wrong and she could not be there to take care of her children and husband. When you hear your daughter say "Take care of the kids mom" it does something to test that ability to "Rejoice" and yet I knew from my own personal experience that facing death when you are a child of God, a friend of Jesus...you are not in a bad place. You are in a Win-Win situation...but can you position yourself to rejoice and trust God for the outcome. Hmmm...why do we need such times to test us. I believe it's because God wants to share a secret with us. Check it out, Paul mentions it later in Chapter 4 -
12 I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. 13 I can do everything through him who gives me strength. There it is that nugget of truth, that exercise of the muscle that none of us wants to do the work to develop but that we all want to claim.
Sometimes we don't even know what we need... really need. We sometimes need to relearn the sufficiency of Christ our Savior.
This story has a happy ending, it's God putting us first....His loving us so much that He sent His Son to give us hope and to provide everything we could possibly need as His children. Whatever might come our way we would find HIS provision more than enough.
What I personally found interesting is that earlier that week our small group begun to watch a 3 part sermon series on "Joy" by Francis Chan. Yep, little did I know that I would soon be applying the scripture from Philipians 4:4 "Rejoice in the Lord always, again I say rejoice!" and Philipians 5 Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. 6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
These verses would become all I could think about. OK, this is a tough test, standing there at my daughter's bed and seeing her in such pain and in mental anguish because she felt like she was ruining her sister's special time in not being able to host the baby shower and their mother was not going to be there either...in addition to that she realized there was no guarantee that something could possibly go wrong and she could not be there to take care of her children and husband. When you hear your daughter say "Take care of the kids mom" it does something to test that ability to "Rejoice" and yet I knew from my own personal experience that facing death when you are a child of God, a friend of Jesus...you are not in a bad place. You are in a Win-Win situation...but can you position yourself to rejoice and trust God for the outcome. Hmmm...why do we need such times to test us. I believe it's because God wants to share a secret with us. Check it out, Paul mentions it later in Chapter 4 -
12 I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. 13 I can do everything through him who gives me strength. There it is that nugget of truth, that exercise of the muscle that none of us wants to do the work to develop but that we all want to claim.
Sometimes we don't even know what we need... really need. We sometimes need to relearn the sufficiency of Christ our Savior.
This story has a happy ending, it's God putting us first....His loving us so much that He sent His Son to give us hope and to provide everything we could possibly need as His children. Whatever might come our way we would find HIS provision more than enough.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Rejoice..., again I say Rejoice
Do you remember Phillipians 4:4 ? Yea, it's the verse that goes "Rejoice in the Lord always, again I say Rejoice"
In our Small Group we are listening to a series of 3 messages by Francis Chan that have influenced the way I am remembering to "Rejoice always". It's producing a changed mindset, a different way of thinking. Yes, a way of having my mind renewed by the very Word of God. Once you commit this verse to memory and read and re-read the entire chapter you will begin to internalize (eat) these words and before you know it you will experience a life changing thought process.
Now do you think this process will be tested ?
You'd better count on it and do so with joy. If you don't today will be no different than yesterday and what kind of life is that when you are being lead by the Holy God of the Universe.
In our Small Group we are listening to a series of 3 messages by Francis Chan that have influenced the way I am remembering to "Rejoice always". It's producing a changed mindset, a different way of thinking. Yes, a way of having my mind renewed by the very Word of God. Once you commit this verse to memory and read and re-read the entire chapter you will begin to internalize (eat) these words and before you know it you will experience a life changing thought process.
Now do you think this process will be tested ?
You'd better count on it and do so with joy. If you don't today will be no different than yesterday and what kind of life is that when you are being lead by the Holy God of the Universe.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Missions - an everyday word
Interested in missions, unreached people...then check out Justin Long editor of Momentum Magazine.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Time Flies
Man, I couldn't believe it when I realized it's been 2 weeks since I've blogged. I'M ALIVE !!
Yep, still here, kicking, learning to grow, change and accept the challenge to experience LIFE CHANGE to the fullest.
Cool things that have happened in the past 2 weeks.
Yep, still here, kicking, learning to grow, change and accept the challenge to experience LIFE CHANGE to the fullest.
Cool things that have happened in the past 2 weeks.
- Had a retreat with leaders from our Family Life group, Velocity, KidStuf and an awesome turn out of volunteers from The ReignForest. My volunteers encourage me by their willingness to step up and out of their comfort zones. They are pushing me. It's all good !!
- Began holding weekly meetings with key leaders at Wallhouse in Sugarcreek on Thursday's. It's real good. I continue to look for ways that I can pour into their lives while they are pouring into me.
- Finished up the 50# Team weight challenge... YEA!!! I have lost 13% of my weight. Our church staff has lost 450#... DUDE...that's almost a quarter of a ton. I think that would fill up my cubicle - for sure!
- I was asked if I'd be interested in sitting on the Health & Wellness Committee and YEAH - I'm stoked because I really like to motivate people and be an encourager...it could be one of my gifts-well I hope so.
Today we celebrated with a big luncheon and I got to plan what we were having with Jean Vacha, extraordinaire cook and food counselor, beside me. She's awesome!!! SO DUDE-here's what we had:
Salad with lots of toppings
Coleslaw - (Thanks Greg K. for making it for us.)
Balsamic redskins
Steak & Chicken Shish-ka-bobs
Chipotle Pomagrante Pork Loin
Veggie tray w/ Garlic Garlic dip, Spinach dip & Onion Onion dip - all fat free
Angel Food Cake w/strawberries
BEAUTIFUL Watermelon boat
Chocolate Mousse (THIS WAS THE BOMB- JEAN YOU ROCK!!!)
Apple Pear cake w/Chai Fat Free topping
Lemon bars
Raspberry Crumble cake
Assorted breads
PARTY - PARTY - PARTY !!! High high energy, great cheering each other on.
It was soooo coool, we even got to invite our spouses. The program was sooo good - John Bunn, you are hilarious...I know "you just wann be a blessing"
Jane Miller was Platinum winner with 16% weight loss - WAY TO GO Jane
Anita was 2nd with 14%
Chad Stutzman was 3rd place with 14% (this was a close race)
I came in 4th....whoo hoo - yeah I know there was no medal - I'm still a winner
Well there, I caught up with the last 2 weeks. Lots of other stuff has been happening with God speaking through various things I'm reading and people speaking into my life. You know life is really good when you get excited about what God's going to do....He creates a lot of suspense in my life and it's never boring. IT'S ALL REEEEAL GOOOOOD !!!!
Monday, April 28, 2008
What a week-end
This past Friday through Saturday afternoon Kevin, Jessica and I hosted a 212 Retreat for leaders from our environments at NewPointe Community Church. We began preparing this event back in February and really prayed about who we were to ask to step up into the next level of leadership. Dwight kicked the retreat off with a great talk on Emotionally Healthy Spirituality. He really knocked it out of the park. The next morning we listened to Francis Chan, then Craig Groeschel and Andy Stanley. It was a really neat opportunity for us to invest and pour into our leaders. We value them and hope they will "TURN UP THE HEAT" as they work through the process of going to the next level in their relationship with God.
After this event we went right to the church and got ready for NewPointe's first "All Access" event. Our very first church conference. We met a lot of terrific people. Hopefully we got to be very real and transparent with them showing them behind the scenes of a NewPointe week-end.
Sometimes words can't express ... how blessed we are in the family of God.
Monday, April 21, 2008
The Win
Tonight I got measured in my Thin & Healthy counseling session at SuperFitness. Get this, I’ve lost 45.25” since January 29th. I’m really happy about it even though I still have a long way to go.
One of the most difficult parts of this program has not only been retraining my metabolism and my food intake but also my thought process about numbers. It seems that most of us, perhaps women more so than men, looks at the number on the scale and think that’s the tell-all sign of success. I’m in the process of retraining the way I look at numbers.
There are a lot of numbers to look at when your losing weight other than the scale. There’s percent body fat, inches lost, lean mass, fat gram intake, minutes of exercise and more.
My point is this…if I only measure success by the number on the scale and yet my pants are practically falling off of me … would you say I’m failing or winning in my lifestyle change?
Recently the staff at NewPointe Community Church has talked about identifying what “the win” looks like on a Sunday morning for our volunteers. In The ReignForest, the volunteers are winning when they engage preschoolers in activities, worship or they feel like they’ve made a connection. Volunteers win when we get little ones quieted down from their crying, change them and play with them.
We win when unchurched families start attending on a regular basis because Christ has made life change desirable because they find God’s grace, faithfulness, acceptance and love from Christ-minded servants inside the church.
There’s a win in life for you each day..do you see it? No?
Perhaps you need to retrain the way you think about what “the win” looks like.
One of the most difficult parts of this program has not only been retraining my metabolism and my food intake but also my thought process about numbers. It seems that most of us, perhaps women more so than men, looks at the number on the scale and think that’s the tell-all sign of success. I’m in the process of retraining the way I look at numbers.
There are a lot of numbers to look at when your losing weight other than the scale. There’s percent body fat, inches lost, lean mass, fat gram intake, minutes of exercise and more.
My point is this…if I only measure success by the number on the scale and yet my pants are practically falling off of me … would you say I’m failing or winning in my lifestyle change?
Recently the staff at NewPointe Community Church has talked about identifying what “the win” looks like on a Sunday morning for our volunteers. In The ReignForest, the volunteers are winning when they engage preschoolers in activities, worship or they feel like they’ve made a connection. Volunteers win when we get little ones quieted down from their crying, change them and play with them.
We win when unchurched families start attending on a regular basis because Christ has made life change desirable because they find God’s grace, faithfulness, acceptance and love from Christ-minded servants inside the church.
There’s a win in life for you each day..do you see it? No?
Perhaps you need to retrain the way you think about what “the win” looks like.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Children's Letters to God
Last night our Small Group Leader's called and asked us if we wanted to go to North Canton on Saturday night to a dinner theatre of "Children's Letters to God". What a great time we had together. This place at first appearance was "quite" small. It's the kind of place you go "uh-oh" what did we get ourselves into.
We went in and were maybe like the 3rd table of people there but they came right away and took our drink orders providing water, coffee, soft drinks, tea, any of it or all of it right away. Then they brought to us these amazing salads that at most places would be enough to fill you up. Then came the main course, Hawaiian Chicken, Beef dish or stuffed porkchops with rice double vegetables. It was an amazing meal. The service was fantastic and we felt pampered all night.
The kids that performed in this small theatre had amazing talent and their parts were very long...very very impressive. These kids could be on American Idol some day. They were anywhere from K-6th grade.
During intermission the table servers brought out dessert, all you wanted...so if you wanted pumpkin pie, pecan, cherry, apple, peanut butter pie, cheesecakes etc. you could have however many you wanted !! Really it was incredible.
Due to the lifestyle contest I'm in (counting down 2 weeks left) I was considered myself very good and only picked at my peanut butter pie which I really really wanted to eat the whole thing. It wasn't a big slice but more than I could afford to spend in fat grams.
All in all I definitely plan on going back to The Harmony Players sometime soon.
We went in and were maybe like the 3rd table of people there but they came right away and took our drink orders providing water, coffee, soft drinks, tea, any of it or all of it right away. Then they brought to us these amazing salads that at most places would be enough to fill you up. Then came the main course, Hawaiian Chicken, Beef dish or stuffed porkchops with rice double vegetables. It was an amazing meal. The service was fantastic and we felt pampered all night.
The kids that performed in this small theatre had amazing talent and their parts were very long...very very impressive. These kids could be on American Idol some day. They were anywhere from K-6th grade.
During intermission the table servers brought out dessert, all you wanted...so if you wanted pumpkin pie, pecan, cherry, apple, peanut butter pie, cheesecakes etc. you could have however many you wanted !! Really it was incredible.
Due to the lifestyle contest I'm in (counting down 2 weeks left) I was considered myself very good and only picked at my peanut butter pie which I really really wanted to eat the whole thing. It wasn't a big slice but more than I could afford to spend in fat grams.
All in all I definitely plan on going back to The Harmony Players sometime soon.
A Joy Perspective
Lately I've been reading and listening to messages about joy..(remember Phillipians 4:4 from an earlier blog)
Well here's another verse found in James 1:2-4
"2Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. 4Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything."
Do you ever have moments when it's really really difficult to endure something with joy? I think most of us can relate to that. Life doesn't come stress-free or pain-free after you've accepted Christ as your personal Savior. God provides care and nurturing for his children. James reminds us that every good gift comes from our heavenly Father (James 1:17).
Here's a quote from Julie Ackerman Link: "What seems like an imperfect gift may be the means by which God perfects us."
Next time we receive something that doesn't seem so good and it causes us to restrain from a joyous or grateful attitude ...make an adjustment in your outlook by remembering the verses above. May God's words help you to be joyful in receiving life's difficult gifts because we know there is more to the gift than we can see.
Well here's another verse found in James 1:2-4
"2Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. 4Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything."
Do you ever have moments when it's really really difficult to endure something with joy? I think most of us can relate to that. Life doesn't come stress-free or pain-free after you've accepted Christ as your personal Savior. God provides care and nurturing for his children. James reminds us that every good gift comes from our heavenly Father (James 1:17).
Here's a quote from Julie Ackerman Link: "What seems like an imperfect gift may be the means by which God perfects us."
Next time we receive something that doesn't seem so good and it causes us to restrain from a joyous or grateful attitude ...make an adjustment in your outlook by remembering the verses above. May God's words help you to be joyful in receiving life's difficult gifts because we know there is more to the gift than we can see.
The Smell of Coffee
Yesterday at Wallhouse Coffee, my absolutely favorite place to hangout and hold meetings, the owner was roasting coffee beans...yeah they actually roast them right there. Anyway when he took them out and emptied them into the barrel, the smell permeated the place. It was like so beautiful to my senses I found myself breathing deeply and closing my eyes and enjoying it so much that I actually felt like I was drinking a cup of coffee. What a great experience!
So here's the thought that God brought to my remembrance..I remembered a time when I actually smelled the presence of God-crazy huh! Well it was 9 years ago when I almost died from complications of a hysterectomy. My blood pressure was 40/0. Once they stabilized me they rushed me to Aultman hospital 30 minutes away. I had a pulmonary embolus, an enlarged heart and was full of blood clots. Six hours later the doctor would be standing in the doorway telling my husband there was nothing they could do for me. Everything they were going to do would most likely kill me. Over the next 10 days I would discover that the presence of God in a whole new way, one that could be accessed by all the senses.
Amazing what that smell of coffee permeating the coffee house did to my memory. So I'm back at Wallhouse today holding some meetings and there it is again - WOW.
No God doesn't smell like coffee....but it did make me want that kind of coffee experience to be the same with God permeating my very being activating all of my senses to his presence.
For a deeper intimate relationship with God I think this is a good thing.
I'm just a work in progress...but living in a win/win situation.
So here's the thought that God brought to my remembrance..I remembered a time when I actually smelled the presence of God-crazy huh! Well it was 9 years ago when I almost died from complications of a hysterectomy. My blood pressure was 40/0. Once they stabilized me they rushed me to Aultman hospital 30 minutes away. I had a pulmonary embolus, an enlarged heart and was full of blood clots. Six hours later the doctor would be standing in the doorway telling my husband there was nothing they could do for me. Everything they were going to do would most likely kill me. Over the next 10 days I would discover that the presence of God in a whole new way, one that could be accessed by all the senses.
Amazing what that smell of coffee permeating the coffee house did to my memory. So I'm back at Wallhouse today holding some meetings and there it is again - WOW.
No God doesn't smell like coffee....but it did make me want that kind of coffee experience to be the same with God permeating my very being activating all of my senses to his presence.
For a deeper intimate relationship with God I think this is a good thing.
I'm just a work in progress...but living in a win/win situation.
Revolution of Jesus Christ
As I blogged in an earlier post I'm currently reading Renovation of the Heart..I am so impressed with the truth that Dallas Willard shares. In this statement he says "the impotence of systems is a main reason why Jesus did not send his students (disciples, apprentices) out to start governments or even churches as we know them today which always strongly convey some elements of a human system. They were instead to establish beachheads of his person, word, and power in the midst of a failing and futile humanity."
Wow! When I think of beachheads I think of the soldiers who landed in Normandy. They were to establish beachheads in enemy infested territory. The enemy was strongly rooted right where they were landing. In a moment my head is filled with pictures of the preparation that had to go into preparing for the landing. The skill and pla and understanding the risk and possible loss that was going to take place.
So I'm thinking what's a beachhead look like? Where's it land?
"They were to bring the presence of the kingdom and its King into every corner of human life simply by fully living in the kingdom with him."
It's not in the future - it's the present, right now.
Wow! When I think of beachheads I think of the soldiers who landed in Normandy. They were to establish beachheads in enemy infested territory. The enemy was strongly rooted right where they were landing. In a moment my head is filled with pictures of the preparation that had to go into preparing for the landing. The skill and pla and understanding the risk and possible loss that was going to take place.
So I'm thinking what's a beachhead look like? Where's it land?
"They were to bring the presence of the kingdom and its King into every corner of human life simply by fully living in the kingdom with him."
It's not in the future - it's the present, right now.
Silencing Enemies through decision
From the lips of children and infants
you have ordained praise
because of your enemies,
to silence the foe and the avenger
Psalm 8:2 (niv)
When you think there's no hope, no place to go because the enemy is in hot pursuit and you feel like you're definitely losing ground or being overtaken...change your thinking. Perhaps you need a heart and spirit transformation.
You've heard the saying "If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always gotten." Tony Robbins
OK - so it's up to you - your choice. Here's the rub if you don't implement this advice that's OK because that's what you want.
Remember, a real decision is measured by the fact that you've taken new action.
If there's no action, you haven't truly decided. Tony Robbins
Pray this prayer
With you on my side, You who hold the heavens in Your hands You who sustain the entire universe, I need not be afraid of my enemies, of those who wish to harm me, or of the evil one that dogs my steps. With praises to You on my lips and in my heart, my foes are vanquished. You are my great refuge, my rock of strength.
you have ordained praise
because of your enemies,
to silence the foe and the avenger
Psalm 8:2 (niv)
When you think there's no hope, no place to go because the enemy is in hot pursuit and you feel like you're definitely losing ground or being overtaken...change your thinking. Perhaps you need a heart and spirit transformation.
You've heard the saying "If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always gotten." Tony Robbins
OK - so it's up to you - your choice. Here's the rub if you don't implement this advice that's OK because that's what you want.
Remember, a real decision is measured by the fact that you've taken new action.
If there's no action, you haven't truly decided. Tony Robbins
Pray this prayer
With you on my side, You who hold the heavens in Your hands You who sustain the entire universe, I need not be afraid of my enemies, of those who wish to harm me, or of the evil one that dogs my steps. With praises to You on my lips and in my heart, my foes are vanquished. You are my great refuge, my rock of strength.
Great Day
Today I reviewed "The Power of Adoration" from a prayer book I've been using:
Here's points to remember:
"In the midst of praising our Lord and Savior, our lives are transformed in several ways.
1. - our spirits become intimately connected with HIS
2. - when we praise God our fears are allayed (to make quiet : calm)
3. - praise chanes our outlook as we view our world through the eyes of our Creator
4. - praise vanquishes our enemy
5. - our love for God is deepened when we adore Him and give Him thanks for past blessings
Praising in Song
My heart greatly rejoiceth and with my son will I praise Him. Psalm 28:7
My heart rejoices in Your presence this morning! To your ears, Lord I pray that my singing will be a joyful noise. your grace is amazing. You are all in all, I worship and adore You. Lean down Your ear to me as I sing about Your love, for how great Thou art, Lord! How great Thou art!
Here's points to remember:
"In the midst of praising our Lord and Savior, our lives are transformed in several ways.
1. - our spirits become intimately connected with HIS
2. - when we praise God our fears are allayed (to make quiet : calm)
3. - praise chanes our outlook as we view our world through the eyes of our Creator
4. - praise vanquishes our enemy
5. - our love for God is deepened when we adore Him and give Him thanks for past blessings
Praising in Song
My heart greatly rejoiceth and with my son will I praise Him. Psalm 28:7
My heart rejoices in Your presence this morning! To your ears, Lord I pray that my singing will be a joyful noise. your grace is amazing. You are all in all, I worship and adore You. Lean down Your ear to me as I sing about Your love, for how great Thou art, Lord! How great Thou art!
Monday, April 14, 2008
light during the night
Normally, I like to keep blog postings short. "Fair warning" this one won't be. It could be a 2 part 3 part or even a 4 part but I'm going for the big enchilada on this one. So if you hang in there and read what's been going on in the land of dark storms maybe you will find couragement and perhaps you will find courage also to surrender your wheel, port, bow, stern, ship to the Commander.
I can't believe that it's been close to a month since I've posted. A lot has been going on...lots of dark moments. Ever had those times where clouds seem to hang over top of you. You know in a battle but the worst realization is that it's mostly with yourself. Oh I want to blame the enemy for the darkness, the battle within, the pit... but the reality is the enemy is mostly my undoing or battle of the undoing of self. Yes, that lifelong battle of being renewed, getting rid of the stuff that's hiding deep within that you didn't even know for sure was a problem but there it is one day rising up like a dragon from the depths of the sea and it's ugly dude - and your thinking to yourself - God help me ...Where in the world did that come from?
Well, the good news is that when you cry out to God, he does come to help. It may seem like he's late on the scene but he's not.
I'm going to digress a bit here and refer to last year when I began a journey on a spiritual breakthrough on pride. It was a real struggle at that time but one day while gardening digging out a deep root with a pick axe I experienced a God moment. He showed me that pride is like the deep rooted wild tree I was trying to extract from my garden, if I didn't work way down into the soil with the sharp end of the pick it would just grow back and perhaps would even spread it's roots and cause more trouble.
Well God was faithful in helping me deal with that and through that time I was very interested in disciplines of reading. Dr. Bruce Wilkinson recommends many authors that I was becoming familiar with at the end of his book. So I invested in some reading material...not just a few books but perhaps 10-20+ books. One of those books was Renovation of the heart by Dallas Willard. It's powerful, I'm not far into the book but let me tell you he hammers it. He says the greatest need, the only hope of humanity lies in the fact that as our spiritual dimension has been formed, so it also can be transformed.
Dallas then talks about the revolution of Jesus and how he took a little band of friends and sent them out to "teach all nations" that is to make students (apprentices) to him from all ethnic groups. His objective ..to eventually bring all of human life on earth under the direction of his wisdom, goodness, and power, as part of God's eternal plan for the universe. Sending out his trainees he set in motion a perpetual world revolution; one that is til in process and will continue until God's will is done on earth as it is in heaven.
So this revolution of the human heart or spirit does not proceed by means of the formation of social institutions and laws, outer forms of our existence which might impose a good order of life upon me because of their power. No Jesus is much more about revolutionizing character which proceeds by changing people from the inside through ongoing personal relationship to God in Christ and to one another. So here is where I'm starting to see why there's apparent darkness over me. This relationship is about changing ideas, beliefs, feelings and habits of choice, as well as bodily tendencies and social relations. It's going to penetrate to the deepest layers of my soul.
So as I'm reading this book and I know God is at work through the power of Christ and the Holy Spirit prepping me to look inside me. You see, I don't read fast, sometimes I read so painfully slow that I wonder how in the world will I ever get all of these books read before I die.
So I'm reading "The impotence of "systems" is a main reason why Jesus did not send his students (disciples aka apprentices) out to start governments or even churches as we know them today which always strongly convey some elements of a human system. They were instead, to establish beachheads of his person, word, and power in the midst of a failing and futile humanity. They were to bring the presence of the kingdom and its King into every corner of human life simply by fully living in the kingdom with him."
"Those who received him as their living Lord and constant instructor would be "God's chosen ones, holy and beloved" (Colossians 3:12 nrsv) and would learn how to "be blameless and harmless, children of God, faultless in the midst of a twisted and misguided generation, from within which they shine as lights in the world, lifting up a word of life" (Phillippians 2:15-16 par)
Now all the while I'm chewing on this I'm also reading a leadership book by Kenneth Boa entitled The Perfect Leader, Practicing the leadership traits of God. From page 27 "As we dig, we must ask God to provide us with insight and understanding. Ultimately, only god can open our eyes to see spiritual truth and then enable us to apply that truth to our lives (Ephesians 1:18) As God fills our mind with wisdom, our character will develop so that we will possess the ability to consistenly make right choices--choices that are just, fair, and moral.
As Henry Blackaby and Claude King note in their book "Experiencing God" (have but haven't begun to read)....
"Once you come to believe God, you demonstrate your faith by what you do. Some action is required...You cannot continue life as usual or stay where you are, and go with God at the same time... To go from your ways, thoughts, and purposes to God's will always requires a major adjustment. God ma require adjustments in your circumstances, relationships, thinking, commitments, actions, and beliefs. Once you have made the necessary adjustments you can follow God in obedience. Keep in mind-the God who calls you is also the One who will enable you to do His will.
It's at this point I realize that I need to let go of some silly things I hang on to, not out of pride as much as out of "it's my personal information" I don't want to share it. But God seems to be saying "trust me with this"...release it and trust me. Here's the silliest thing, not all women are plagued by this insecurity as I am. So here I am letting go, being transparent so that I can pursue joy. I'm in a competition at church to lose weight and I've lost 23 lbs. which is great but I'm hanging on to the fact of where I was when I started at 200 rather than rejoicing in the fact that I'm at 177 and on my way down further, getting healthy. God is good is helping me to realize ...something was wrong with the picture.
You may be wondering at this point what is the timeframe of all of this, it's a couple of days since I've picked up the two books and a new one +5 come in the mail. Spiritual Leadership, Principles of Excellence for Every Believer by J. Oswald Sanders. I crack it open and begin light reading of it and land on this quote by Samuel Brengle, a gifted leader of the Salvation Army who outline the road to spiritual authority and leadership:
"It is not won by promotion, but by many prayers and tears. It is attained by confession of sin, and much heart-searching and humbling before God; by self-surrender, a courageious sacrifice of every idol, a bold cuncomplaining embrace of the cross, and by eternally looking unto Jesus crucified. It is not gained by seeking great things for ourselves, but like Paul, by counting those things that are gain to us as loss for Christ. This is a great price, but it must be paid by the leader whose power is recognized and felt in heaven, on earth, and in hell."
I am so thankful that The ReignForest has a team of three women who lift up every volunteer in prayer...that when I call on them and tell them, please pray for me I know that they are remembering me in prayer. This has been going on for the past couple of months during the darkness of the storm. Do I believe that this is all plays a role in the climax of what took place late Sunday night and early Monday morning ...without a doubt. Now I take you to Sunday night as I'm in bed and at a whim decide to listen to Francis Chan preaching on the topic of JOY.
He shares how Cheetos have no grams of Trans Fat. So he looks at the ingredients and says what's really in Cheetos. The label of ingredients doesn't look so great but the package says no grams of Trans Fat...so it kind of leads us to believe that Cheetos are not bad for us. Well he compares Christians to looking like a package of Cheetos...where we are doing the right things, serving, giving, I don't drink, don't swear, don't sleep with anyone anymore...whatever. Meanwhile we have all this stuff inside us that is junk. Our label may say one thing but we are really keeping it inside. Chan says that Jesus says a good Christian is someone who at the core of their being are madly in love with Christ. That we love him with every fiber of our being. Is that true of you? Chan asks. Rejoicing in him. Here's a passage that is a command of God.
From Phillipians 4
4Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! 5Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. 6Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
8Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. 9Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.Along with this sermon I realized that God was getting my attention on my heart condition of rejoicing through darkness
When we are in love we do things appropriately....to others, to situations, to whatever.
Chan challenges us to really love Christ and believe what the bible says on this. Think about it ..if we really believe this, we walk away and never "worry" for the rest of our lives.
WOW, I need to never stop taking my mind off of God, and experiencing His joy... He is the supplier, finisher, author of my faith, provider, supplier of peace. My hope, my salvation, my coming King. I really want to rejoice so much that every one can see His love in me.
There's 3 sermon messages on JOY and they are awesome...check out http://www.francischan.org/ and you can jump to his church Cornerstone to get his sermons.
I can't believe that it's been close to a month since I've posted. A lot has been going on...lots of dark moments. Ever had those times where clouds seem to hang over top of you. You know in a battle but the worst realization is that it's mostly with yourself. Oh I want to blame the enemy for the darkness, the battle within, the pit... but the reality is the enemy is mostly my undoing or battle of the undoing of self. Yes, that lifelong battle of being renewed, getting rid of the stuff that's hiding deep within that you didn't even know for sure was a problem but there it is one day rising up like a dragon from the depths of the sea and it's ugly dude - and your thinking to yourself - God help me ...Where in the world did that come from?
Well, the good news is that when you cry out to God, he does come to help. It may seem like he's late on the scene but he's not.
I'm going to digress a bit here and refer to last year when I began a journey on a spiritual breakthrough on pride. It was a real struggle at that time but one day while gardening digging out a deep root with a pick axe I experienced a God moment. He showed me that pride is like the deep rooted wild tree I was trying to extract from my garden, if I didn't work way down into the soil with the sharp end of the pick it would just grow back and perhaps would even spread it's roots and cause more trouble.
Well God was faithful in helping me deal with that and through that time I was very interested in disciplines of reading. Dr. Bruce Wilkinson recommends many authors that I was becoming familiar with at the end of his book. So I invested in some reading material...not just a few books but perhaps 10-20+ books. One of those books was Renovation of the heart by Dallas Willard. It's powerful, I'm not far into the book but let me tell you he hammers it. He says the greatest need, the only hope of humanity lies in the fact that as our spiritual dimension has been formed, so it also can be transformed.
Dallas then talks about the revolution of Jesus and how he took a little band of friends and sent them out to "teach all nations" that is to make students (apprentices) to him from all ethnic groups. His objective ..to eventually bring all of human life on earth under the direction of his wisdom, goodness, and power, as part of God's eternal plan for the universe. Sending out his trainees he set in motion a perpetual world revolution; one that is til in process and will continue until God's will is done on earth as it is in heaven.
So this revolution of the human heart or spirit does not proceed by means of the formation of social institutions and laws, outer forms of our existence which might impose a good order of life upon me because of their power. No Jesus is much more about revolutionizing character which proceeds by changing people from the inside through ongoing personal relationship to God in Christ and to one another. So here is where I'm starting to see why there's apparent darkness over me. This relationship is about changing ideas, beliefs, feelings and habits of choice, as well as bodily tendencies and social relations. It's going to penetrate to the deepest layers of my soul.
So as I'm reading this book and I know God is at work through the power of Christ and the Holy Spirit prepping me to look inside me. You see, I don't read fast, sometimes I read so painfully slow that I wonder how in the world will I ever get all of these books read before I die.
So I'm reading "The impotence of "systems" is a main reason why Jesus did not send his students (disciples aka apprentices) out to start governments or even churches as we know them today which always strongly convey some elements of a human system. They were instead, to establish beachheads of his person, word, and power in the midst of a failing and futile humanity. They were to bring the presence of the kingdom and its King into every corner of human life simply by fully living in the kingdom with him."
"Those who received him as their living Lord and constant instructor would be "God's chosen ones, holy and beloved" (Colossians 3:12 nrsv) and would learn how to "be blameless and harmless, children of God, faultless in the midst of a twisted and misguided generation, from within which they shine as lights in the world, lifting up a word of life" (Phillippians 2:15-16 par)
Now all the while I'm chewing on this I'm also reading a leadership book by Kenneth Boa entitled The Perfect Leader, Practicing the leadership traits of God. From page 27 "As we dig, we must ask God to provide us with insight and understanding. Ultimately, only god can open our eyes to see spiritual truth and then enable us to apply that truth to our lives (Ephesians 1:18) As God fills our mind with wisdom, our character will develop so that we will possess the ability to consistenly make right choices--choices that are just, fair, and moral.
As Henry Blackaby and Claude King note in their book "Experiencing God" (have but haven't begun to read)....
"Once you come to believe God, you demonstrate your faith by what you do. Some action is required...You cannot continue life as usual or stay where you are, and go with God at the same time... To go from your ways, thoughts, and purposes to God's will always requires a major adjustment. God ma require adjustments in your circumstances, relationships, thinking, commitments, actions, and beliefs. Once you have made the necessary adjustments you can follow God in obedience. Keep in mind-the God who calls you is also the One who will enable you to do His will.
It's at this point I realize that I need to let go of some silly things I hang on to, not out of pride as much as out of "it's my personal information" I don't want to share it. But God seems to be saying "trust me with this"...release it and trust me. Here's the silliest thing, not all women are plagued by this insecurity as I am. So here I am letting go, being transparent so that I can pursue joy. I'm in a competition at church to lose weight and I've lost 23 lbs. which is great but I'm hanging on to the fact of where I was when I started at 200 rather than rejoicing in the fact that I'm at 177 and on my way down further, getting healthy. God is good is helping me to realize ...something was wrong with the picture.
You may be wondering at this point what is the timeframe of all of this, it's a couple of days since I've picked up the two books and a new one +5 come in the mail. Spiritual Leadership, Principles of Excellence for Every Believer by J. Oswald Sanders. I crack it open and begin light reading of it and land on this quote by Samuel Brengle, a gifted leader of the Salvation Army who outline the road to spiritual authority and leadership:
"It is not won by promotion, but by many prayers and tears. It is attained by confession of sin, and much heart-searching and humbling before God; by self-surrender, a courageious sacrifice of every idol, a bold cuncomplaining embrace of the cross, and by eternally looking unto Jesus crucified. It is not gained by seeking great things for ourselves, but like Paul, by counting those things that are gain to us as loss for Christ. This is a great price, but it must be paid by the leader whose power is recognized and felt in heaven, on earth, and in hell."
I am so thankful that The ReignForest has a team of three women who lift up every volunteer in prayer...that when I call on them and tell them, please pray for me I know that they are remembering me in prayer. This has been going on for the past couple of months during the darkness of the storm. Do I believe that this is all plays a role in the climax of what took place late Sunday night and early Monday morning ...without a doubt. Now I take you to Sunday night as I'm in bed and at a whim decide to listen to Francis Chan preaching on the topic of JOY.
He shares how Cheetos have no grams of Trans Fat. So he looks at the ingredients and says what's really in Cheetos. The label of ingredients doesn't look so great but the package says no grams of Trans Fat...so it kind of leads us to believe that Cheetos are not bad for us. Well he compares Christians to looking like a package of Cheetos...where we are doing the right things, serving, giving, I don't drink, don't swear, don't sleep with anyone anymore...whatever. Meanwhile we have all this stuff inside us that is junk. Our label may say one thing but we are really keeping it inside. Chan says that Jesus says a good Christian is someone who at the core of their being are madly in love with Christ. That we love him with every fiber of our being. Is that true of you? Chan asks. Rejoicing in him. Here's a passage that is a command of God.
From Phillipians 4
4Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! 5Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. 6Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
8Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. 9Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.Along with this sermon I realized that God was getting my attention on my heart condition of rejoicing through darkness
When we are in love we do things appropriately....to others, to situations, to whatever.
Chan challenges us to really love Christ and believe what the bible says on this. Think about it ..if we really believe this, we walk away and never "worry" for the rest of our lives.
WOW, I need to never stop taking my mind off of God, and experiencing His joy... He is the supplier, finisher, author of my faith, provider, supplier of peace. My hope, my salvation, my coming King. I really want to rejoice so much that every one can see His love in me.
There's 3 sermon messages on JOY and they are awesome...check out http://www.francischan.org/ and you can jump to his church Cornerstone to get his sermons.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Pondering this week
I love this time of the year as well as every believer should. It's a time of reflection and appreciation for the many blessings afforded to us in Jesus Christ. This week Len and I watched "Walking With Jesus" on the Discovery Channel.
Ponder this:
Jesus did not do anything in his ministry that wasn't planned
He had control of everything that occurred from entering the gate on a donkey to being crucified on the cross
He had a total understanding of the reactions that he would cause during this significant time of celebration by turning over the moneychangers tables
He knew the actions of his friend Judas
He knew the hearts of men then and He knows the hearts of men now
It gives me great peace and comfort to know that He will be in complete control in the days before His return.
I invite you to consider all that He did and count the ways He is in control.....beginning with your life.
Ponder this:
Jesus did not do anything in his ministry that wasn't planned
He had control of everything that occurred from entering the gate on a donkey to being crucified on the cross
He had a total understanding of the reactions that he would cause during this significant time of celebration by turning over the moneychangers tables
He knew the actions of his friend Judas
He knew the hearts of men then and He knows the hearts of men now
It gives me great peace and comfort to know that He will be in complete control in the days before His return.
I invite you to consider all that He did and count the ways He is in control.....beginning with your life.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
God's power - only love
Hey, I was catching up on my devotional reading this morning, yeah "my bad"...I read where Philip Yancey has joined the writers of Our Daily Bread. Cool Beans, I thought, I love his writing. Well, I have been thinking all day about how he writes simply but deeply about the things of God.
Hear it now. He was writing on the ability of God's choice to curb His own power. Think on the following and see if you aren't amazed at this principle of God's restraint. If you read Luke 4:3,9-11, you will be reading about the temptation Christ faced after his 40 days of fasting. The final proofs that we often yearn for or like the Pharisees demanded (Matt. 12:38; 16:1)offer no obstacle to an omnipotent God. Here's the kicker that made me go WOW "More amazing is His refusal to perform, to overwhelm. God's terrible insistence on human freedom is so absolute that He granted us the power to live as though He does not exist. Jesus must have known this as He faced the tempter in the desert, focusing His power on the energy of restraint."
He continues to mention that no "pyrotechnic displays of omnipotence will achieve the response He desires...only love can summon a response of love....Love has its own power-the only power capable of conquering the human heart."
Wrap your mind around this and then your heart, fall in love with God anew. There's nothing like it.
Hear it now. He was writing on the ability of God's choice to curb His own power. Think on the following and see if you aren't amazed at this principle of God's restraint. If you read Luke 4:3,9-11, you will be reading about the temptation Christ faced after his 40 days of fasting. The final proofs that we often yearn for or like the Pharisees demanded (Matt. 12:38; 16:1)offer no obstacle to an omnipotent God. Here's the kicker that made me go WOW "More amazing is His refusal to perform, to overwhelm. God's terrible insistence on human freedom is so absolute that He granted us the power to live as though He does not exist. Jesus must have known this as He faced the tempter in the desert, focusing His power on the energy of restraint."
He continues to mention that no "pyrotechnic displays of omnipotence will achieve the response He desires...only love can summon a response of love....Love has its own power-the only power capable of conquering the human heart."
Wrap your mind around this and then your heart, fall in love with God anew. There's nothing like it.
Friday, February 29, 2008
Weight Training
Monday night Len and I met with Ron, our personal trainer at SuperFitness to begin our weight training regiment. Ron is a retired school teacher of 35 years, teaching health and physical fitness. A really super guy and definitely one of those teachers you wish you would have had when you were in school. Something that stuck with me from our first session is that diet, cardio and weight training all work together for the best health program. Ron mentioned that if you just use one or two of them you won't get the best overall benefits. Diet provides the fuel into the body, cardio provides the conditioning to go the distance and weights provide the strength it takes to endure.
A great bonus from using cardio and weight training is that when you rest after doing both you will burn calories twice as long.
While talking with my friend Gwen about this a correlation occurred to me between our new disciplines and our spiritual life. When we receive a message from the Word of God either by preaching or devotional times, it provides us fuel (diet) for our walk with God. Getting involved in serving is like cardio helping to condition us so we can go the distance. Finally, being involved in a Small Group will offer you strength for the distance. The verse Ecclesiastes 4:9 comes to mind:
"Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed."
I hope you're getting the proper diet, cardio and weight training for both your body and your spiritual life.
A great bonus from using cardio and weight training is that when you rest after doing both you will burn calories twice as long.
While talking with my friend Gwen about this a correlation occurred to me between our new disciplines and our spiritual life. When we receive a message from the Word of God either by preaching or devotional times, it provides us fuel (diet) for our walk with God. Getting involved in serving is like cardio helping to condition us so we can go the distance. Finally, being involved in a Small Group will offer you strength for the distance. The verse Ecclesiastes 4:9 comes to mind:
"Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed."
I hope you're getting the proper diet, cardio and weight training for both your body and your spiritual life.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
My husband, Len, and I have committed to change our lifestyle disciplines. Namely, eating and exercise habits. It's challenging and some days are harder than others. We are in the 4th week of our new program. Fortunately, we are reaping some of the benefits already it brings us together more, we are eating healthier, dropping some weight, and feeliing better. Oh there's aches and pains and sometimes complaining going on...I think that's normal. No one likes change no matter how often you go through it. It's still difficult to embrace.
It's always difficult when you first begin to change disciplines. You seem to be working on everything you do. You realize what a mess you were and see that priorities must change and this is difficult work.
I see how that can relate in our intimate walk with God too. You must set your mind to rethinking how to live your life before God. Old patterns have to be broken and your priorities must change. You find that you must process life through a different filter. You know the outcome is going to be better but you're experiencing some aches and pains in the process.
Romans 12:2
Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
Your not alone or the only one going through the aches and pains of change. We may be at different levels but we're all in the process.
Don't give up, stay encouraged and press on.
It's always difficult when you first begin to change disciplines. You seem to be working on everything you do. You realize what a mess you were and see that priorities must change and this is difficult work.
I see how that can relate in our intimate walk with God too. You must set your mind to rethinking how to live your life before God. Old patterns have to be broken and your priorities must change. You find that you must process life through a different filter. You know the outcome is going to be better but you're experiencing some aches and pains in the process.
Romans 12:2
Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
Your not alone or the only one going through the aches and pains of change. We may be at different levels but we're all in the process.
Don't give up, stay encouraged and press on.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Upwards Basketball
Last Saturday I missed getting to Josh and Paige's Upwards Basketball game. It's a great time to watch these young kids learn the skills of team sports and to see all the parents and grandparents cheering ALL the kids. What a great program. It's great to see many of my longtime friends from a church we attended once called our home church. We still consider them family. Looking forward to seeing many of them this Saturday.
Friday, February 8, 2008
The Aqua Team is HOME
Chuck and I went to pick the team up this past Monday. I was sooo happy to see them. They really looked tired. It had been a very busy time for them. They went to areas I had never journeyed and I wanted to hear all about it.
Thank God, John knew my excitement to hear their stories and along with Lissa, Mandy, some input from Jared and Grant they caught me up on their day-by-day journey. WoW - WHAT opportunities they got to enjoy from the hand of God.
Check out: thinkingoutsidethebunn
Technorati Profile
Thank God, John knew my excitement to hear their stories and along with Lissa, Mandy, some input from Jared and Grant they caught me up on their day-by-day journey. WoW - WHAT opportunities they got to enjoy from the hand of God.
Check out: thinkingoutsidethebunn
Technorati Profile
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Aqua Team Serving Orphans
Finally I'm taking time to followup and tell you some news on the Egypt team. Sorry, I left my pictures at home but I will post them tonight.
They got off last Thursday with amazing answers to prayer. Here's some GOD sized wins:
For sure they will learn a new definition of flexibility. From my past experience with mission trips I know they will be changed individuals when they return. It's an exciting adventure when you choose God's ride.
As I track their itinerary each day I pray for them for the activities they will be doing and the traveling they have ahead of them. Ifyou choose to remember them in prayer keep in mind that they are 7 hours ahead of us.
Team members names to lift in prayer: John, Jared, Grant, Amy, Day, Lissa, Miranda
They got off last Thursday with amazing answers to prayer. Here's some GOD sized wins:
- All the money they needed for the trip (and more) came in before they left
- The orphan program stuff all fit in the suitcases
- The trip to the airport, good weather allowed the team to be there on time without any lines
- Several luggage bags were over the 50 lb. weight limit - no charge
Here are a few things I know:
I received word from DW that they had a delay in their flight arriving in Cairo, a longer ride than expected on the train to Luxor. They are tired from traveling but their spirits are high. They are looking forward to what God is going to do in and through them.For sure they will learn a new definition of flexibility. From my past experience with mission trips I know they will be changed individuals when they return. It's an exciting adventure when you choose God's ride.
As I track their itinerary each day I pray for them for the activities they will be doing and the traveling they have ahead of them. Ifyou choose to remember them in prayer keep in mind that they are 7 hours ahead of us.
Team members names to lift in prayer: John, Jared, Grant, Amy, Day, Lissa, Miranda
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Learning to be a sender
Today my family and I had the opportunity to participate with the team that is preparing to go to do ministry in an orphanage in Egypt in less that 2 weeks. WOW...it's hard to believe that I'm not going but here it is...time for me to learn how to be a sender.
You see, I really believe if you can't go, you need to participate in the sending. Get involved in the sending either by donating to the team or help with preparations for them to go. There's lots to do. If you have no idea about how much is involved in planning, shopping, packing, praying - well you need to see my lists. Seriously, if you believe in investing in the Kingdom - go online to NewPointe.Org and give a donation to the Egypt Orphanage team. No gift is too small. If you can't do that, please prepare a note and send it to the attention of John Bunn saying you will support them in prayer.
God Bless you for being obedient to the action of encouragement:
Hebrews 3:13 (New International Version)
New International Version (NIV)
Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society
13But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called Today, so that none of you may be hardened by sin's deceitfulness.
Previous Book:Go to Philemon
Previous Chapter : Go to Hebrews 2
Expand: show the entire chapter ofHebrews 3
Next Chapter : Go to Hebrews 4
Next Book:Go to James
Listen to this passage : Hebrews 3
You see, I really believe if you can't go, you need to participate in the sending. Get involved in the sending either by donating to the team or help with preparations for them to go. There's lots to do. If you have no idea about how much is involved in planning, shopping, packing, praying - well you need to see my lists. Seriously, if you believe in investing in the Kingdom - go online to NewPointe.Org and give a donation to the Egypt Orphanage team. No gift is too small. If you can't do that, please prepare a note and send it to the attention of John Bunn saying you will support them in prayer.
God Bless you for being obedient to the action of encouragement:
Hebrews 3:13 (New International Version)
New International Version (NIV)
Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society
13But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called Today, so that none of you may be hardened by sin's deceitfulness.
Previous Book:Go to Philemon
Previous Chapter : Go to Hebrews 2
Expand: show the entire chapter ofHebrews 3
Next Chapter : Go to Hebrews 4
Next Book:Go to James
Listen to this passage : Hebrews 3
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