Sunday, April 22, 2007

I Can't - God Can

I love volunteers. They make The ReignForest at NewPointe Community Church an awesome place for preschool children to come and worship on the week-end.

Today in our huddletime in The ReignForest it was good to have Jason & Katie back from last week-end to continue to share their story with us. Last year Jason was suffering from headaches and had to have some tests to find out what was going on. Not long after the tests they phoned him and said he'd have to come in for surgery...he had a brain tumor the size of a baseball.

He shared how he had not given his life to God at that point. When it came time to go into surgery he knew that it was serious and he decided to surrender everything to God to help him through this. After surgery he was told it was cancerous and there's still a small part of it left.

He shared how he hasn't worried about anything since his time of surrender, how he's hoping that he will be a light to his family so that they can see God working through his life.

A lovely slender woman stands by his side, his wife Katie and she says she knows that she could lose her husband but she's trusting God.

This past week J was in the hospital for several days with pneumonia. He wanted to be here for the week-end to share his story. I called him while he was in the hospital and he said he was taking the time to rest and look for opportunities where he could share his story of trusting God.

They are young...less than 30 years old. But they get it !
They can't handle life on their own but they are calling on a God who can.
This is just one of many recent stories being shared by volunteers in The ReignForest. It's a safe place to serve, a safe place to stretch your faith and a safe place to share your story of life change as a volunteer in our environment.

I openly share that I can't lead these volunteers, but God can.
So.. I surrender it to Him.

Thanks volunteers for challenging me in my journey into a deeper and even more transparent relationship with Jesus Christ.

New Friends

Great weather this week-end. We had a bonus too. We had new friends from southern Ohio come for a visit.
We met Tony & Sarajane about six weeks ago while moving some shelves into NewPointe. They were visiting Amish country and stopped by to why the silo had a KidStuf sign on it. I quickly gave them a tour and talked with them for an hour. I found out that they were attendees to GrowUp. They were probably at GrowUp when Len and I were there. They also are intimately involved in KidStuf at their home church. We decided we'd keep in touch by email. During the last six weeks that we've been in touch we invited them to stay with us and visit the church.

We absolutely love the Frocks. They blessed us so much this past week-end. They have so much enthusiasm for ministry and their transparency and love for the Lord is awesome.

How about this..the girls ages 9 and 13 jump in and want to help out in The ReignForest. They helped out during the first service in North Canopy, our large group teaching time. They loved it.
Did I mention that I met the girls for the first time yesterday. They were so excited to learn the songs and signing last night. It's really cool to see these girls exhibiting excitement about serving just like their parents.
God is good at bringing families together...He's good all the time!