For the past two hours I have been reading blogs. Oops, what about those chores...well, I'm blog addictive at times. It's probably about once a month. I like reading what other people are saying, feeling, thinking, sharing, holding onto, releasing, coming to grips with and hopefully giving up to the One who has provided the ultimate Hope to each one of us through Jesus Christ.
Well, I have a half-hour of daylight left...I can surely get something done.. maybe one thing done to finish the day before I sit down and watch a movie with my husband, Len. (I think he's been a busy worker bee...God Bless him, he's a good man.)
Word for the day...Peace
Philippians 4:7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Welcome to my blog where I'm sharing my passions, my thoughts, and my journey in life.
Saturday, June 9, 2007
Friday, June 8, 2007
The Provision of Bread
In my devotion and prayer journey this week I'm reading and reflecting upon the legacy that Abraham left. He realized the simplest form of success was obedience to God not in somethings-but everything. He didn't need to work hard or count on the bull market for success. His success depended simply upon the blessing of God.
"Without obedience we will never experience the provision God intends for us." a quote by Ann Spangler. Consider these words by a nineteenth-century Scottish preacher, Alexander MacClaren from her book, Praying the Names of God. "If we wish to have our outward needs supplied, our outward weaknesses strengthened, power and energy sufficient for duty, wisdom for perplexity, a share in the Sacrifice which takes away the sins of the world, we receive them all on the condition that we are found in the place where all God's provision is treasured. If a man chooses to sit outside of the baker's shop, he may starve on its threshold...And if we will not ascend to the hill of the Lord and stand in his holy place by simple faith, and by true communion of heart and life. God's amplest provision is nought to us; and we are empty in the midst of affluence."
WOW-starving for the blessing of God...Sounds like small steps of obedience lead to larger ones and to a steady habit of obedience. This leads to deepened faith in God and will allow a person to experience God and his provision.
"Without obedience we will never experience the provision God intends for us." a quote by Ann Spangler. Consider these words by a nineteenth-century Scottish preacher, Alexander MacClaren from her book, Praying the Names of God. "If we wish to have our outward needs supplied, our outward weaknesses strengthened, power and energy sufficient for duty, wisdom for perplexity, a share in the Sacrifice which takes away the sins of the world, we receive them all on the condition that we are found in the place where all God's provision is treasured. If a man chooses to sit outside of the baker's shop, he may starve on its threshold...And if we will not ascend to the hill of the Lord and stand in his holy place by simple faith, and by true communion of heart and life. God's amplest provision is nought to us; and we are empty in the midst of affluence."
WOW-starving for the blessing of God...Sounds like small steps of obedience lead to larger ones and to a steady habit of obedience. This leads to deepened faith in God and will allow a person to experience God and his provision.
I really enjoy bread, let's journey inside the bakery and to receive the provision of The Provider..The Ultimate Baker so we too can leave
a "legacy of faith" like Abraham.
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Finished the pizza sale..YEAH !!
The 2008 China team has finished their pizza sale tonight. It's really good to have that behind us. Now we trust God for the rest. He knows our need and we are truly blessed by those who have been kind to support us.
Last night the team met at Lynn's house and we began our book discussion from "The Language of Love" by Graham Cooke. It's an awesome book. Lynn and I went through it for Egypt. Loving it again. It was good to hear each team member share their story of why they want to go to China. We found we have common threads in our stories: want to go deeper with God, committing our lives to serve Him wherever & however, willing to go into the unknown, finding renewed love and passion in living for Christ, finding that God moves mountains of doubt and replaces it with assurance. I'd like to say that there are no fears or difficulties but that's not how it works: there's: travel issues, fear of flying, culture shock, weather (hot), real-life stuff...
Someone asked me how can you decide to go and know that it's God's will for your life. Well, I guess I step into it knowing that there are easy things many people will do here in our own country as first steps of serving but not everyone will go take the light of Christ into the Middle East or China. I've also found that something has been ignited inside of me...not a fear of going, but rather a fear of not going. I want to be obedient to hear and see Him work. Start walking into challenges, if your not supposed to go, God will close the door.
Philippians 2:12Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed—not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence—continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling,
Last night the team met at Lynn's house and we began our book discussion from "The Language of Love" by Graham Cooke. It's an awesome book. Lynn and I went through it for Egypt. Loving it again. It was good to hear each team member share their story of why they want to go to China. We found we have common threads in our stories: want to go deeper with God, committing our lives to serve Him wherever & however, willing to go into the unknown, finding renewed love and passion in living for Christ, finding that God moves mountains of doubt and replaces it with assurance. I'd like to say that there are no fears or difficulties but that's not how it works: there's: travel issues, fear of flying, culture shock, weather (hot), real-life stuff...
Someone asked me how can you decide to go and know that it's God's will for your life. Well, I guess I step into it knowing that there are easy things many people will do here in our own country as first steps of serving but not everyone will go take the light of Christ into the Middle East or China. I've also found that something has been ignited inside of me...not a fear of going, but rather a fear of not going. I want to be obedient to hear and see Him work. Start walking into challenges, if your not supposed to go, God will close the door.
Philippians 2:12Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed—not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence—continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling,
Believing a lie
The objective of my quiet time has been to develop a personal relationship with God and to grow my devotion to Him.
I believe there was a time I thought I could really hide some of the things in my life from God. That was a lie. I think we all do it. We think we can hide those attitudes, thoughts...the real unattractive characteristics that aren't Christ-like. We try to pretend they don't exist or bury them beneath busyness.
Hey, what about this cool truth..He wants me to fully comprehend that He knows everything about me and that He still loves me unconditionally? He pursues me so I can know Him intimately and submit to how He is recreating my heart, renewing my mind and establishing me.
God always sees me as PresentFuture. It's a reality about God. He sees me now who I am but also can see me as who I will be. Will I be honest with myself and Him and allow Him to create in me His likeness?
Yes and yes.
Are you alright with that? God is pursuing YOU. To know God intimately, passionately, confronting Him personally everyday may be a struggle for you. It's been one for me. I encourage you to begin and not give up, press on.
Be known by the One who loves you with perfect love-God.
Peace be with you.
Pursuing God
I've been blogging about going deeper with God through my journey and my prayer life. This week it is striking me like a brick against my head as I study the Hebrew name of God "Yahweh Yireh" which means "the Lord will provide" that God is the one who is pursuing me.
Have you thought about it ? You think your seeking God but He's always the one seeking you out first. You have a choice everyday to make. Give back to Him what He's giving you or... not. The not is a dead-end, dried-up existence that is futile. Not a good choice but one, if I'm honest, that I find I make too often.
Could it be that my pride and selfishness gets the better of me? Most likely. I think I blame it on the busyness of life and other various reasons, but the bottom line rests within me. Sin...don't candy coat it what it is. That way as the Holy Spirit brings it to your attention you can confess it and surrender it. Hey, for me, it feels like an ongoing project. How about you?
Reflect on: Genesis 22:9-12
Praise God: He is highly exalted, glorious beyond our understanding
Offer Thanks: That God is pursuing a relationship with you
Confess: Your tendency not to face the difficult things that God wants you to face.
Ask God: For the grace to make the necessary sacrifice
Great book: Praying the Names of God by Ann Spangler
I'm so thankful God is pursuing me. I've heard....that He's after you too.
Have you thought about it ? You think your seeking God but He's always the one seeking you out first. You have a choice everyday to make. Give back to Him what He's giving you or... not. The not is a dead-end, dried-up existence that is futile. Not a good choice but one, if I'm honest, that I find I make too often.
Could it be that my pride and selfishness gets the better of me? Most likely. I think I blame it on the busyness of life and other various reasons, but the bottom line rests within me. Sin...don't candy coat it what it is. That way as the Holy Spirit brings it to your attention you can confess it and surrender it. Hey, for me, it feels like an ongoing project. How about you?
Reflect on: Genesis 22:9-12
Praise God: He is highly exalted, glorious beyond our understanding
Offer Thanks: That God is pursuing a relationship with you
Confess: Your tendency not to face the difficult things that God wants you to face.
Ask God: For the grace to make the necessary sacrifice
Great book: Praying the Names of God by Ann Spangler
I'm so thankful God is pursuing me. I've heard....that He's after you too.
Sunday, June 3, 2007
We are so fortunate here in America to have freedoms that are protected. It is a great privilege to be able to worship God and not be verbally abused or threatened to be killed. I'm sure I don't always appreciate this freedom as I should.
One of my dear friends in Cairo, Egypt was telling me early this morning over the week-end (late morning for her) that it is very difficult there for Christians, especially since the recent conflict between Muslims and Coptic Christians. The recent clash has increased tensions in that country. Many persecutions are now taking place but since their government is Muslim they often can experience injustices because they do not possess equal rights with Muslims.
Could this be and indicator as to why Egypt recently was mentioned in an article in Christianity Today that about 35% of the country, the lowest percentage of concern in the world, regarding the tragedy of persecution and extermination of life that is taking place in a country that is their neighbor, Sudan.
May we all remember to be thankful for our freedoms and to pray for those who are being persecuted in the Middle East and around the world.
One of my dear friends in Cairo, Egypt was telling me early this morning over the week-end (late morning for her) that it is very difficult there for Christians, especially since the recent conflict between Muslims and Coptic Christians. The recent clash has increased tensions in that country. Many persecutions are now taking place but since their government is Muslim they often can experience injustices because they do not possess equal rights with Muslims.
Could this be and indicator as to why Egypt recently was mentioned in an article in Christianity Today that about 35% of the country, the lowest percentage of concern in the world, regarding the tragedy of persecution and extermination of life that is taking place in a country that is their neighbor, Sudan.
May we all remember to be thankful for our freedoms and to pray for those who are being persecuted in the Middle East and around the world.
Pizza Night
On Friday night the Beijing, China team and 26 friends got together in the
kitchen at NewPointe Community Church and made 500 pizzas. Whew, we did it in two hours too. Our team is selling pizzas to help offset the expense of this trip.
This is the 2nd year of the Bring Me Hope camp in China. The orphans there often know nothing else other than an institutional life during their childhood. For many it is the first time they will leave the institution and travel in a car or see outside the institution walls. They will play games, swim, have character studies, learn songs, become friends of the counselors who are spending time with them to show them the love and hope that is in us. Most of our opportunities to share Christ will come only through contact and relationships we develop with translators. Fruit is becoming known from last years trip.
How encouraging it is for last years team to come and give support and for some of the previous Egypt teams too. We had some people who just wanted to come and help to show their support.
Even if you don't make the 6,871 mile trip to Beijing (14 hours in the air) you have joined us as ministry partners in loving those orphans .
It's good to be with friends who are passionate about missions and who committed time to come alongside of those who are going. Thank you to all of you.
This is the 2nd year of the Bring Me Hope camp in China. The orphans there often know nothing else other than an institutional life during their childhood. For many it is the first time they will leave the institution and travel in a car or see outside the institution walls. They will play games, swim, have character studies, learn songs, become friends of the counselors who are spending time with them to show them the love and hope that is in us. Most of our opportunities to share Christ will come only through contact and relationships we develop with translators. Fruit is becoming known from last years trip.
How encouraging it is for last years team to come and give support and for some of the previous Egypt teams too. We had some people who just wanted to come and help to show their support.
Even if you don't make the 6,871 mile trip to Beijing (14 hours in the air) you have joined us as ministry partners in loving those orphans .
It's good to be with friends who are passionate about missions and who committed time to come alongside of those who are going. Thank you to all of you.
I hope you know how far and how much time God takes just to show His love for you.
Gracie puts color dots on boxes to distinguish what kind of pizza is in the box.
Life's joyous moments
It was hot, it was sweaty and you know that feeling of sticking to those metal folding chairs...but it sure was great to be there to watch these kids.
It's good to enjoy family, see friends, and watch their children growing up before your eyes. Life goes so fast...I mean it's really really fast.
God is so good to us. The freedoms we enjoy...I want to be thankful for all of them. I want God to know I really appreciate the opportunities to love family and friends and to know and be known by Him too. How encouraging is this verse: Psalm 18:2 The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge. He is my shield and the horn [a] of my salvation, my stronghold. ****God is Good.****
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