David Bolt, Director of Bring Me Hope, stopped in at our Allstaff meeting to share his vision of the orphange camp program he runs in China. WOW - this young man is passionate and is going after a heart for God and so is his apprentice and friend Andrew.
Anyway, David was sharing how difficult ministry can be with Miriam and I. We both understood what he was saying because we personally experience it. It's the hardest job we've ever taken on. Often people have a different picture of what working for the church or a ministry organization looks like than it really is.
I wanted to encourage David and said perhaps someday I could come and work beside him in building bridges of friendships and care for orphans and translators. I asked him when his deadline for this year's trip was and he said April 15th. Too bad, he added something like if I wanted to come and join them they would extend the deadline to me. Well I told him I'd pray about it. So I did (closet) and a couple of days later I asked Lynn Allison to pray about going with me.
Then I told my husband, Len, what I was praying about. After a brief conversation about ...all money being God's money, he said "Have you left yet?" (He's a very funny man, ha, ha funny. A good hearted person - ask the people that traveled with us to Biloxi in October, 2005.)
So thus began my mission trip to China. It's on an accelerated pace of God bringing along just the right team together, as only He can do. So now a couple - weeks later, there's Carol Miller, Gaila Gartrell and Gwen Hamsher going. 100% committed to saying Yes to the journey God is taking us on.
Today I knew God was up to something when my friend and previous co-worker Lish Kandel came to say Hi to me and brought me up-to-speed on her life. As she was telling me about her new job it burned in my heart you need to ask Lish to go to China, my mind is having this conversation with my heart (this takes "seconds") "are you crazy, didn't you hear her, she just started a new job!" Just as my conversation, in my head, finishes- I hear her say "I'd really like to go to China." WHAT! That's awesome! I share with her what just went on in my spirit (heart/body/mind) and I respond enthusiastically Of Course! Ask your employer and see where this leads you....
I LOVE IT when people risk it and say YES to God.
We're now at possibly 6 women going to Beijing, China, July 19th - 29th or 30th This is big. Our God is bigger, we're pushing the borders of where He wants to take us.
This week-end the team of 7 who went last year to the camp are going to meet with us and we're doing a Nightwalk to sponsor and pray for this year's trip. Will you sponsor a child? It's $25.00 Contact me if your interested. You may not be able to go, but you can sponsor BMH orphans or the team.
You see, since last year, the boundaries are limitless for me, the risks are worth it all - whatever, job, comfort, cost...whatever!! Please, please, please allow God to take you out of your comfort zone and see what God has in store for you.You might find your world rocked because of His LOVE for you and through you.
Caution: It's life-changing.