Thursday, March 20, 2008

Pondering this week

I love this time of the year as well as every believer should. It's a time of reflection and appreciation for the many blessings afforded to us in Jesus Christ. This week Len and I watched "Walking With Jesus" on the Discovery Channel.
Ponder this:
Jesus did not do anything in his ministry that wasn't planned
He had control of everything that occurred from entering the gate on a donkey to being crucified on the cross
He had a total understanding of the reactions that he would cause during this significant time of celebration by turning over the moneychangers tables
He knew the actions of his friend Judas
He knew the hearts of men then and He knows the hearts of men now

It gives me great peace and comfort to know that He will be in complete control in the days before His return.

I invite you to consider all that He did and count the ways He is in control.....beginning with your life.