Amazing...answered prayer
There are times I wonder how will all the things that need to be done by the week-end get done? There have been times I can barely pray about the needs before me, so I end up groaning prayers in my spirit. It's times like these that I'm glad the Holy Spirit makes intercession for me. The many little details to make The ReignForest (TRF) function properly on the week-end often goes unnoticed by many. But to make it a place where preschoolers can really connect with their Small Group Leaders and Coaches is hot on my list of success. It's not just that I want to win with the children but I want to win with families. It's also important to me that volunteers feel that what they are doing each week is significant in the lives of the families they serve. But that's not all, my newest "buzz" is all of the 5th & 6th graders getting involved in the North Canopy (theatre) and the teens that will soon begin playing live music there for the little ones. What is going on in TRF? Well, something is taking's really cool, I think God is walking through our halls, checking in on the rooms, liking what He sees and He's finding He is being worshipped by preschoolers in a very genuine and enthusiastic way. This is way cool-it's the way in which innocent children do. I'm liking this worship time too. It's contagious, infectious an "I-wanna-be-like-them" purest worship time. I sometimes wonder how God's going to use these preschoolers... who are way cool future dudes and dudettes.Well, all of this to finally say this, that today was a day of answered prayer with volunteers providing future support for many of the things that are needing to get done in TRF. I am so blessed with wonderful people who will come in through the week to help
make a difference in our environment.It's somewhat like the "chicken and the egg" question; "Which came first?". What made the change first - the preschoolers or the volunteers ? Ask some of the volunteers that serve in TRF, they will tell you that they receive more from the kids than they give. Funny thing, I've been saying that for five or six years now--who's counting. The week-end people who serve are awesome too. God's good...real good.
1 comment:
I appreciate so much your dedication to the Reign Forest! Casey & Collin LOVE it and are benefitting so much from the hard working volunteers........the boys pray........they sing........they oink like pigs!!! They love it! Thank you!
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