Monday, March 14, 2011

Small faith in a Big God

Yesterday in The ReignForest at NewPointe Community Church I shared with the volunteers the truth of something Jesus told his disciples. From Mark 11:22 he simply said "Have faith in God". Often many Christians have faith in faith rather than faith in God. When facing trials, they agonize to attain moutain-size faith. But Jesus taught that faith the size of a mustard seed is sufficient, if planted in the soil of God's greatness.

What is your mountain today? As soon as you plant your mustard seed of faith in God, your mountain becomes His responsibility-and you can rest in His faithfulness.

Dear God today I want to focus on how great you are. You care for each life on this planet and you care about each problem I am experiencing. You are not a God who is far away and distant. You want me to have a personal relationship with you. Today Father, I choose to practice using my mustard seed of faith in the soil of your greatness. In Exodus 34:5-7 I find the traits of your character which helps me focus on your greatness. Great is your compassion, grace, slowness to anger, love, faithfulness and forgivenss. Thank you as I choose to see your greatness today. Amen.

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