Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Christmas can be a very depressing time for many people. Thoughts of unhappiness, lack of what they have or even suicide can hang over people like a black plague.
For years I battled depression. Some months were so dark that I could barely count a good day.
What I have found over the years is, there is hope...you can survive depression! Here are some of the ways I have found to turn my dark days around:

Remember goodtimes, smile check this hyperlink out..did you know this: A smile costs nothing, however it brings great richness to the recipient. I SMILE MORE.

Be thankful for family, friends, food, shelter, freedom, health, sight, physical abilities. There's always someone who is in a worse situation or condition than you. I count the ways I am blessed.

Concentrating on the truth . I know that I am loved by God with a never ending love proven through Jesus Christ His Son. I focus on my personal relationship with Christ, God, the Holy Spirit which helps my relationship with others.

I read more of the Word of God so I can filter all the negative thoughts and happenings through God's truth and not through my feelings.

I Choose each day to follow God's way, to trust my life, my well-being, my future to His care. I choose to change the way I think, the way I act, by renewing my mind. This results in actions of love toward myself and others.
Am I perfect? No..but I have hope of being made new into His likeness more each day.

2 Cor 3:18 All of us, with no covering on our faces, show the shining-greatness of the Lord as in a mirror. All the time we are being changed to look like Him, with more and more of His shining-greatness. This change is from the Lord Who is the Spirit.
New Life Version (NLV)
Copyright © 1969 by
Christian Literature International

Monday, December 10, 2007

Road Trip

Knowing there are families out there leaving their homes and comfortable routines to go home for the Holidays, here's what it may look like...for those brave moms and dads.

Whose got your back ?

Today I got up with such high hopes of making it to work early. That was my early morning goal...until I worke up with the beginning of a headache that turned into a migraine.

Well, it changed the schedule of my day.

Thanks Cindy and Jessica. You were my eyes and my connection to NPCC base. It's great to have co-workers who care about you. Cindy does a lot of behind the scenes work which appears as visuals to convey messages for all of the various environments at NewPointe. She is quite impressive with her creativity. Jessica has grown so much over the past year since she came on staff. What a fantastic addition she has been to the Family Life department and our church staff. Thanks ladies.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Olympic Games 2008

Hey, this past Summer I was blessed when I made the decision to go to China to help with an orphan camp. Check this out. My good friend David Bolt and and these kids are awesome!

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Waiting room stuff

Today I went to the hospital to pray with a friend and volunteer in The ReignForest who was going to have her retina reattached for the 2nd time in less than three months. She's an amazing young woman with a heart that loves God, a faith that will enable her to make it through this difficult time. After praying with her I sat with her husband in the surgical waiting room. We had been sitting there an hour when Jason got the call that they were starting the surgery. It's going to be a while. We spoke of politics, religion and family life over the next couple of hours. We discussed how kids today- well most everyone wants service or stuff - right now. They don't want to wait. We need answers now, plans now, toys now, food now, better bodies now and relationships in 10 minutes or less. Genuine relationships take time to nurture and grow. You can get a lot of things by driving up to a window...but relationships - well they're not on take-out menus or at drive-up windows.

I learned alot about Jason that I didn't know. He is a deep thinker, a sensitive yet strong and protective step-dad, a loving new Father, an admiring husband and a follower of Jesus Christ. Sometimes we want a quick relationship with God but God wants so much more. He is a quality creator. Jason is a bright intelligent thinker with strong moral fiber and a heart that recognizes where his blessings come from. Lately, the rainstorm of problems has been coming in sheets and not letting up.

When the doctor came and discussed the outcome of the surgery with Jason, the doctor mentioned that he had to go all out and risk it all to make the best possible situation out of a very difficult one. I was impressed by Jason's questions to the doctor and the confidence he had in this doctor. When Jason asked if there was anything he could do to make the scarring less for Theresa. The doctor amazed us with "You need to pray". Pray that there will be minimal scarring.

In a book I handed to Jason to read you will find 4 certainties that children of God can count on:
1) God will make you well 2) God hurts when you hurt 3) God knows why you're suffering 4) God is in control (pg. 6)

Thanks Jason for the great conversation and allowing me to share time with you "waiting".
Thank you God for the awesome outcome of Theresa's surgery and for reminding us what the waiting and the rain is all about.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Hope in Times of Trouble

I'm reading this little book by the above title...
I'm rememebering my friend Theresa, whose retina has detached for the 2nd time, a new mother, concerned about her husband...
he may be mad at God over his wife's possible loss of sight, she wants him to trust God...

I'm reminded of a friend who is struggling with not feeling right, she needs someone to walk beside her to assure and remind her God's timing is perfect, His plan is perfect...
I think of a volunteer, a gifted teacher whose recent surgery didn't go as planned and now her plans are being rewritten for the holidays...
or thinking about being a good neighbor, taking the time to reach out to make new friends because God's revealed a door of opportunity...
I think of my daughter who is pregnant her hormones all over the place, she's sick most of the time and barely able to work, she even doubts her ability to be a new mom - the concern over her well-being is out of my hands - I place this into hands that are much more capable than mine...
it's great to be reminded that at the end of the day it's all about having hope in the power of God being revealed for His glory...
so live in the moment of worshiping God and find refreshment, encouragement for your soul.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Grief is desirable?

I read this chapter of Zig Ziglar's book, Confessions of a Grieving Christian and I was reminded of a saying "the bottom of the barrel is under-rated".

Grief, I believe is bottom of the barrel stuff, we don't want to experience it. We forget the best teachers -are not easy ones.

What Zig Ziglar writes is sensible heart talk from God.

Check out the whole chapter, buy it or get it from the library. This book could be lifechanging for you.

Zig lists two things that grief brings us to the point of:

1. Realizing the vastness of our love, and of God's love for us.
2. Grief puts us into a position to trust God alone for our healing and restoration.

He states, "He awaits our turning to Him for comfort and healing." In Psalm 56:8, you can read about how precious God even considers our tears. So much that he stores them in a bottle. So whenever you think no one cares and that your grief is more than you can bear...remember God notes your sadness and HE remembers it!
A turning point as Zig mentions in his book is "the moment we turn to Him, God acts to begin the healing process in our hearts."

Here's a some heart talk from a little guy, who sums it up with humble wisdom:

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Lifehouse Everything Skit

When I watched this I held my breath and my heart raced. I found myself crying for those that really struggle against the things of this world. Yes, I could relate to the times I struggled like this fighting my way back to the one true love of my soul.

God remind me to intercede in prayer for those that are struggling to find their way to the truth?
Remind me to cheer for those struggling in their fight to find their way back to Christ?


Monday, November 12, 2007

Healing Words

Are there ever times in your life when you think you're just not able to do one more thing, you really feel your age or that what you are doing is not making a difference?

Sometimes it's difficult for others to see that ministry leaders have these struggles too. We too are capable of getting discouraged and feel like no one's listening and no one cares.

I just received an email from a friend of mine. She sent me a note that encouraged me and lifted me up.

"...I will tell you that I'm proud to know someone who works hard at what she believes in for the sake of the One she believes in. You are a blessing to others for who you are, not what you do and that's why my heart is blessed to know and love you."

Here's what God says words can mean to those who are discouraged:
Proverbs 16:24
Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

My Hairdresser, My Beautician, My Friend

Today I went to a funeral with my friend Daylene. Day had mentioned Mary Lou's mother passed away from the church she used to attend. I made the connection that she was my beautician's aunt. Since she was going to the funeral of my friend Debbie's grandmother, Miriam Laubscher, I asked if I could go along.

They read Psalm 23. I found the little girl to the right on GodTube and thought it would be a nice tribute to Miriam. She was well loved by her family, even her son-in-law and well loved by her church family. She had a commitment to Christ and lived it out in talk and walk. This was testified by family and friends. The church was small and traditional with warm friendly people. A safe journey back to familiarity in my past upbringing.

My friend was surprised to see me there. It was nice to be with her, to meet her mom, aunt and some family members. She's a busy businesswoman and a mother of three awesome kids.

During the service there was a moment when I reflected on my mother's life and remembered her beautiful voice singing songs of praise. My mom's been gone five years but I rejoice because she's in heaven singing and enjoying the best of the best. I hope my mom gets to meet Miriam - I think they'll like each other.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Continuing Story of Cassidy

A few months back I shared a story about sharing Jesus Christ with others ... so easy a 2 year old can do it. Here is the continuing story of what has happened to that woman in Wal-Mart as told by her mom.

"Cassidy’s WalMart woman came to see me in The ReignForest. She wanted to introduce me to her baby girl. She named her Grace Marie. Grace for God’s grace and Marie just because it came to her in the hospital. When I told her that Cassidy’s middle name was Marie, we both cried!
This woman has reconnected with her parents. She is moving right across the street from them and her Mom will help take care of Grace. Her job at WalMart transferred. She will be going to the church her parents attend—NorthPointe (this church is in Alpharetta, Ga. and a positive influence in our church model).
We hugged and she asked me if she could pray with me. She did the praying! (She thanked God for NewPointe, our ReignForest, Cassidy and good timing.)
I still do not know her name."

Cassidy is a 2 year old daughter of the Zone Co-ordinator in The ReignForest at NPCC.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Follow-up for Western Nite

Sure been some positive feedback comin' in from our thar' time at the Weaver farm this past Satr'day nite. Now here's ya' evidence to show yoos all...some good lookin' cowboys 'n gals that ware thar' having a good ol' time.
A punkin farmer donated near fifty punkins so the yungins could deckor'ate a punkin to take home. They were right clever r'tists.

A wagon ride, Lasso the Ponies, Feed the critters, Cowpatty Toss, Smile & Shoot - a picture station for a great family/friends photo, gearing up with some hats and bandannas and a campfire that was warm & toasty.
Thanks to Len, Casey, Jenn, Lynn, Judi & Gwen - Ya' all did a real good job thar'.

Happy Trails !

Sunday, October 21, 2007

What a beautiful day

What a georgeous fall day we had on Saturday. We could not have ordered a better day.
The ReignForest KML team (Key Ministry Leaders) planned a Western Nite event for volunteers families and friends. Dennis and Mary Jane Weaver allowed the team to hold the event at their farm behind Weaver Appliance. What a beautiful peaceful place. There was a stocked pond for those interested in fishing. Courtney cast her line trying to catch the big one. She was the first one to catch a fish. Good job Courtney. "The event also had games like:Feed the Critters", Pony Lasso, Bull-loon Round-up, a pumpkin shoot, face painting, Smile 'n Shoot (family picture time), pumpkin decorating, a weiner roast and hayride.
Over 50 people attended the event. It sure was good to celebrate fall with awesome volunteers !
Yeeha to all ya' volunteers and lil' partners !!!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

The rewards of serving: Peace and Joy

I'm in a position at church where people want to volunteer to do something in The ReignForest and I get to help them get engaged. Sometimes it's holding babies. Recently I sat down in Origins Cafe' and introduced myself to Penny M. Her husband was busy tearing down (taking down chairs) in the auditorium. I found out after talking with her that they had been coming to NPCC for about a year. I asked her if she was ready to do something like hold babies. She said "Yes, I'm ready to start. I'd think I'd like doing that." I can't possibly express how much this encouraged me. She's serving in the Grasshopper room and has attached herself to one of the little ones who is very precious, a little guy waiting for a heart transplant. Can you believe it ! I believe that she is there at the right place and the right time. This little guy needed someone who wouldn't be afraid to care for him while mom and dad are hearing the message. That's cool, but there's more.

I was so excited that day to have taken the time to meet Penny and her husband and then talking with Penny later I asked her if she was in a Small Group. She said No, that they had not joined one yet. So I invited her to join one that we were joining. Well six weeks later, her and her husband Jerry are now in Small Group with us and they are so cool !! Jerry is just overflowing with the freshness of falling in love with Jesus, he's a new believer and Penny is excited that she has renewed her commitment to Christ. There's something about fresh commitments that makes me re-evaluate whether my Love is FIRST and FOREMOST to God.

I have another story to share with you...normally I like to keep things shorter, but this is really good. I hope you'll read on.

Many people don't realize that The ReignForest is setup in 3 different zones; a nursery zone: ages birth - 24 months, The Reign Zone: two year olds (25 months - 35 months) The Preschool Zone are those children who are 36 months (potty trained) and ready to be promoted the first Sunday in September of the current year. The various stages of preschool children can be lots of fun to engage children in activities. It can be challenging also. Two principles we implement is: we teach them what is relevant to their age and we teach "with the end" in mind.

Here's a story from a mom who is seeing the benefits of The ReignForest:

"Walking to our car after church on Sunday, Cassidy says “You made the world and everything in it! Sam 89:11!!” The smile on her face was just beyond words. I am so excited and blessed that my 2 ½ year old already knows a BIBLE VERSE!! Cassidy sees a tree, “God made trees”. She sees a cloud, “God made clouds”. Whatever is happening in Monkeys and Canopy is working and my child is learning and growing and feeling good about it! A happy 2 year old makes for a happy Mommy!"

Thank you Tammy for sharing this story. You have encouraged me and others.

Come serve in The ReignForest, learn memorization and application...it's so easy a 2-1/2 year old can do it.

Romans 5
Peace and Joy 1Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we[
a]have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, 2through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we[b] rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. 3Not only so, but we[c] also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; 4perseverance, character; and character, hope. 5And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.
6You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. 7Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous man, though for a good man someone might possibly dare to die. 8But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
9Since we have now been justified by his blood, how much more shall we be saved from God's wrath through him! 10For if, when we were God's enemies, we were reconciled to him through the death of his Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through his life! 11Not only is this so, but we also rejoice in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received reconciliation.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Cat & Dog Theology

Tonight the Small Group I attend began a study on Cat & Dog Theology. I'm familiar with this study because it was part of a presentation included in the Christian Perspectives class I took last year. Brief summary from the 1st lesson is this: Most Christians live like cats thinking their relationship with God is all about them. However if you live like a dog would live, you'd always be acknowledging that life is truly all about God and His receiving the glory.

It's amazing how different I look at things now just because of that Christian Perspectives class. I'm definitely mission minded. Tonight I remembered that even though mission mindedness is a good thing...the most important thing to maintain is: "Is God getting the glory?". Whatever is going on, my eyes should be looking for the how that God is going to be glorified. It's really about HIM, it's not about you or me.

This is going to be an awesome study with Dave, Carol, Penney, Jerry and Len. Stop back and check out the summary for lesson 2.

Monday, October 1, 2007


Cooler weather, fairs, festivals, and "trick or treat",
colors of trees, shrubs, apples, gourds and pumpkins,
decorations on porches, lawns and doors,
orchards full of the plenty of Summer.
We are so fortunate to live in an area where the season diversity is prominent.

All of the colors and beauty that are being celebrated with come from God.

Colossians 4:2 Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Things don't always go the way you expect

That's how it is for all of us. At least most of the people I know have experienced the best laid plans don't always work. I had hoped to blog while in Florida on vacation, it didn't work. When I got back, the pace was pretty fast and here I am really needing to go to bed but feeling so guilty about being away from BlogWorld for so long.

There's been so much that has happened so here's a brief outline:
*Vacation was great: good times with the grandkids, kids and making the long haul to Destin, in the Florida panhandle. It ended up being well worth the 18 hour drive. The water...emeral green, white beach - was breathtaking.
*Len had his heart cath when we returned .. Praise God - no heart disease or any problems.
*My grandchildren are such a joy and provide me with lots of smiles and chuckles: Josh with his heartfelt prayers for his Big Papa before surgery, Paige with her fashion sense and giggles, Tori with her fresh phrases only an ornery 2 year old can say and make you ooh and ahh...such as "Oh my goodness"; "Hany, watch this.."; her newest request to "Hold on" while mommy is dressing her. Too cute !!
*Dr. Hany Rizkalla, returned home today to Cairo, Egypt after staying with Len and I for a few weeks this summer. He's a great friend and I highly respect his advice and counsel sessions with me. Len and I love him very much and we will miss him.
*I've heard from many of my friends from Bring Me Hope Camp in Beijing China which I attended in July. I cried from many of their stories...it was good to hear from them. Best of all...it was great to hear from my friend who accepted Christ.
*I praise God for all the volunteers who helped me do Summer in The ReignForest at NewPointe. Connie, Geneva, Doreen, Day - thanks for your help during the week.
*The Summer is over...my summer flowers are spent and need to be pulled, it makes me sad.
*New work, challenges, growth, excitement shines bright with each sunrise that the Lord provides and now...
*It's time for sleep---

Friday, August 17, 2007

Destin, Florida

We've been thinking and planning for this vacation most of 2007. How exciting it is for us to get the entire family to be together so we can enjoy the beach, golf, parasailing, go-karting...game time (Suduko's the rage) good family time together.

It's the first time we all have been able to get together since the kids are married. Will there be ups and downs...I think we can count on it. None of us are perfect and all of us have areas to grow in. I think all-in-all it will be a good time.

There's so much to do yet to prepare but one thing I've decided to do...is pack light only in clothes not in books. I'm counting on getting some really good book time in. I want quiet time on the beach to clear my thoughts and hear God speak. That alone excites me as much as being with my family...cool beans.

Vacationing with a plan to meet God alone. How can it get better than that?

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Renewing the Mind, Counting the cost..."paid in full"

Before I begin telling you something that recently renewed my mind, I want to share a picture of the group shot from Week 3 at Bring Me Hope. What a group, what a response to the need they had for operating costs to be met for week 4.

I think I've said this before - God is Good.
Yesterday during my devotional time I think I was whining in my prayer time about some recent issue with not having the cost of the China trip covered and some other things that were taking place....come on be honest - aren't there times when you find yourself whining. Well anyway, God brought to my mind something really significant...
Matthew 11:30"For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."
He made it clear to me that everything that was taking place in my life was free of cost...he had provided everything that it would cost to follow Him. Not just for salvation but for every need I would have, every problem that would come. He would supply what I needed...AND here was the real word that got my attention...if you think about cost real cost... those without Christ are paying everything they have to spend eternity outside of the presence and security of living with God... Now that's costly !!
I'm glad for the patience of God...that He works in us as we read and meditate on his word and pray asking Him to renew our minds. You don't have to keep the same way of thinking you had yesterday or last week...His word has a better way for you. Here's some of my favorite verses:
Romans 12:2 (NIV) Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
Isaiah 30:21 (Contemporary English Version)
21Whether you turn to the right or to the left, you will hear a voice saying, "This is the road! Now follow it."
Isaiah 42:16 (New Century Version)
16 Then I will lead the blind along a way they never knew; I will guide them along paths they have not known. I will make the darkness become light for them, and the rough ground smooth. These are the things I will do; I will not leave my people.
Isaiah 42:16 (Contemporary English Version)
16I will lead the blind on roads they have never known; I will guide them on paths they have never traveled. Their road is dark and rough, but I will give light to keep them from stumbling.
This is my solemn promise.
These are promises worth banking on.

Monday, August 6, 2007

Back in the USA

I can't believe it's been a week since I returned from China.
Here's my family.

This is princess Erica, my Chinese daughter.

It's been a whirlwind since I've returned.

Jetlag stinks. China doesn't - except for the wastebaskets.

I appreciate Western bathroom facilities - they are a blessing. God Bless Levi for going to China...God used him to speak to so many people both American and Chinese. You are an amazing young man.

Orphans are amazing. Translators are terrific!! I really really love them. Google Bring Me Hope Diary and watch camp footage. It's cool !!

A very special Chinese translator made an important lifetime decision.

God is good.

Here's David & Faye at the Great Wall.
God Bless you as you finish this last week of camp.

Thanks for helping me learn what's going on in China and being part of something really wonderful.
More to come...stay tuned, God continues to speak. R U listening?

Sunday, July 15, 2007


I missed posting this on Wednesday night. I wish I had pictures to show you.
Well...maybe not.

The China team had it's second dance class. That's right we are learning dances from Thelma. She's amazing, she can move and groove and I think she is most likely retired but NOT really if you know what I mean. She's living life with zest, gusto, bravado, exuberance. I found out I can scare her pretty easy though with my aggressive dance moves.

We are learning the Macarena, the Electric Slide, the Bunny Hop, Hokey Pokey, just to name the ones I can remember this late at night. What a HOOT !!

I don't dance that well.
I don't have good rhythm (I think).

But I did have fun learning these dances, well some of them I already knew, come on...

Who would have guessed going on a mission trip could be this much fun in preparation.

We sure are meeting and making lots of new friends.

If they don't go to church anywhere we hope to invite them to NewPointe for a swingin' praise time. Maybe we'll get a little Electric Slide action going ?

Packing & Chinese culture with the Li's

I have to tell you that my husband, Len is an amazing man. I am so blessed to have him. He is so thoughtful and considerate of the mission drive I have. He sits back and watches me go a hundred miles a minute, be gone to meetings, come home late, work on the computer...he's a true partner in ministry.

Last night I invited him to our China team meeting. Yeah! with a mission in mind. I asked him if he would repack the suitcases for the team getting them close to the weight that they needed to be for the airport. He agreed to go and do this for the team.

Meanwhile we were upstairs having cultural lessons from the Li's. Dean, Ying and Jessica were invited to come to our team meeting to provide cultural information from their homeland. What a lovely couple. We sure enjoyed getting to know them. They were friendly, open and generously gave us information to help us while we are there in China.

Their daughter, Jessica, was adopted 7 months ago from China and is adorable. She loves melon, orange melon (cantaloupe) that is. She has a bottomless pit for a 3 year old.

We are so thankful for the opportunity to get to know the Asian culture and develop friendships with people from China.

I'm awed at the bigness of God in the world.

Thank you God for doors opening in China.
Thank you God for the China team going where YOU are leading.
Thank you God for the generosity and kindness of my husband.
Thank you God for friendship with the Li's.
You are good all the time.

Before I go...

Haven't been blogging in almost two weeks. Incredible...ridiculous...time flies by when you're having fun or learning so much that your head is spinning.

This is truth - I am learning and relearning and it's ok.

God is good as I'm preparing to go to China to work with orphans. Kids that nobody wants. Kids that need to know they are known, loved, remembered.

It's easy to get callous to the needs of the world.
It's easy to say let someone else go.
It's easy to get busy and put them out of your mind.
I did.

"God change my heart and let it break for the things that break your heart. By the power of the Holy Spirit please let me never again grow insensitive to the overwhelming needs of people both near and far. Help me to remember that you are bigger than the overwhelming needs of the world. If I trust you to do "all things" then you can use me to make a difference in people's lives anywhere you take me....as I trust in you - you will be the difference in me. Amen."

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Huddle Laughter

This morning during huddle time with The ReignForest volunteers I shared about a 30 day spiritual journey book I had just completed, well it took me 60 days to complete it. I got stuck on Day 26 - "Idolatry" for two weeks and the rest of the days took another 2 weeks.

It seemed that there was something wrong with me, I just couldn't get past my adultery. I continued speaking that I kept asking God "what is wrong with me, what is keeping me from this breakthrough, what idols am I putting before God". It was at that moment, I realized I had used adultery rather than idolatry. They got it, and started laughing and I said, "no not adultery - idolatry". It was rather funny. If anyone was dozing in the huddle - they were wide awake now. We all laughed and I was glad to be able to bring light hearted laughter to the team. They are great volunteers and I share with them with such transparency of my life because I want them to be encouraged to go deeper on their journey too. God has shown me that even though He deals with me firmly in areas of my life there is also a gentleness that draws me closer to him.

Later that hour my friend Suzanne mentioned to me how God told the Israelites they had committed adultery by leaving their first love of God and turning to idols so I wasn't exactly wrong in saying adultery. Thanks Suzanne.

Here's what encouraged me; eight people are interested in getting the book I just finished. This book sent me into the Word of God and to my knees. It was deep God country.

Filtering your life through the truth of God's Word is painful. I'm not perfect..far from perfect. But I'd like to look more like Christ so that's going to require more journey time, more breakthroughs.

Friday, June 29, 2007


When illness strikes or calamity arrives in the midst of your family, your life or your friends you realize just how not in control you are. You realize at those moments just how much you need to depend and look to the one who is control.

Last month I began a devotional to study the names of God and how to call on him. Here is one name; Hashem (ha-SHAME) which means "The Name". You'll find when you read I Kings 8:28-29 that God promised Solomon when he finished the temple that His name will be there forever and that His eyes and heart will always be there too.

Please don't think that there are magic results in learning the names of God or being able to pray them. That's not the goal. What I'm finding it does is it creates a bridge of familiarity in drawing close to your friend - God. In a small way, it's similar to knowing your best friends middle name or using their nick name. I would encourage you to begin to know the names which God is known by in the Bible. Along with those names you will learn many of his attributes. You know, those characteristics which if you are a Christ follower you are to reflect.

Here's my response to a challenging review of the past six weeks....there are times when all you can do and all you need to do is say - thanks.

The Most High is sovereign over the kingdoms of men and gives them to whomever He wishes and sets over them the lowliest of men. I will bless the Most High and praise and honor Him who lives forever. His dominion is an eternal dominion, and His kingdom endures from generation to generation. He regards all the inhabitants of the earth as nothing, and does as He pleases with the host of heaven and the inhabitants of the earth. No one can hold back His hand or say to Him: "What have You done?" I praise, exalt, and honor the King of heaven, for all His works are true, and all His ways are just, and He is able to humble those who walk in pride.

(Daniel 4:17, 34-35, 37)

"Father God, may the words that come from my mouth bring glory and honor to Hashem. May my life reflect the spirit of your Son Jesus Christ which by choice is being renewed daily through the power of the Holy Spirit and by your Holy Word. Teach me to walk rightly before men so that they might find forgiveness, peace and healing through the power of your name. Amen"

Thursday, June 28, 2007


Acceleration is a transitive verb with one meaning of a: to enable (a student) to complete a course in less than usual time b: to speed up (as a course of study). Well that's the journey I thought I was on until a month ago. I had been doing this spiritual journey book by Dr. Bruce Wilkinson. It's the second time I've read the book. I had been sharing in huddletime in The ReignForest that I've been stuck on the last three days but actually it was Day 26 of the book entitled "Keep Yourself from Idols". Whatever takes our hearts from him, or shares it with him, is an idol. There are three species of idolatry: 1)desire of the flesh - refers to all the outward senses; 2)desire of the eye - gratified by such objects as either grand or beautiful or uncommon and 3)"the pride of life" - seeking happiness in the praise of men or "taking care of our reputation". While trying to find the idols in my life I prayed the prayer "God remove anything from my life that takes me from knowing you more intimately, if it is pride remove it or rout it out." Ahh...dangerous prayer - almost as dangerous as praying for patience. So the past ~30 days I had been doing soul searching about idols in my life.

Speed up to this past week-end. I had a lesson..uhm "a God moment" in my flower garden. I was trying to remove a little wild tree/shrub thingie that was developing in my garden. I wanted to chop it out. I went to the shed to get the ax but couldn't find one but found an ax pick instead. Well, that'll do. There I am wielding this big thing swinging the pick into the ground to get to the bottom of this stubborn root. As I swing and strike deeper into the ground I'm saying to myself "Man this thing is deep-just how deep do I have to go?" and suddenly there was the picture before me and the softness of a familiar inner voice "Your pride is just like that root and that's why your stuck and you're experiencing so much pain lately." gulp... God moments don't always make you stop in your tracks and lights go on well at least this one wasn't like that. It seemed like this one kept low and started grower brighter and clearer until - the lights are fully on.

Here's the reality...I had cried for something to be revealed, my sinfulness, disobedience, guiltiness so that I could be discovered and be made known more to myself than to God. He knew what the problem was all along. Sometimes I don't know what the problem is because I don't want to or don't want to face the reality of myself.

Here's the results...once God showed me what it was, I repented of it and received a spiritual breakthrough.

Here's some hope...you know that root I dug out. The deeper the pick went the root got smaller and then relief I yanked it out. By tending my flower garden more closely I'm going to be checking for any wildshoots before they take deep root. In my life, it means staying close-intimately close to God my Father, Jesus my Lord and Savior and being sensitve to the Holy Spirit so that the revealing of self (weeding) is less painful.

While this was not an easy breakthrough Dr. Bruce says the insights that I learn from pain will endure. I'm finding that the cost of daily discipleship has some benefits...one is to encourage imitation of Christ and allow me to act in ways that are centered in God's will.

May the hand of God be upon you as you seek His face to receive His peace.

Catch up

I can't believe it's been 10 days since I've blogged. Last week flew by and I was zoned out because of a hit with a "bug" that took at least a full day out of of my life. Last week was a busy one that kept me hopping with preparing totes for July. Thanks to Gwen Hamsher, Justin Neel and Doreen Ley for all the help during the week.

We also had storytime from 11:30-12:00 in The ReignForest Monday - Friday for the grand opening of Origins Cafe', where you can find cheesecake that makes you think you taken a wrong turn and went to Easton in Columbus to that other place that offers cheesecake. Anyway, what a week!

BIG Thanks to Big Dan who covered storytime on Monday and Thursday and assisted everyday in running the show. A special thanks to Mrs. Wishywashy, Gaila Gartrell, who did an awesome job with stories and music on Wednesday...you rock woman ! Then on Friday, Miss Judi Houston was the teacher. YOU are an outstanding storyteller. I notice every time I watch you that you absolutely love it too. BIG THANKS to Alissa West, Maddison Mullen and Devon DeMonte who came in to be singers and actors in the story of Solomon and what he wanted most from God.

Thanks again to all of you who came to story time and for all the positive feedback.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Sessions in the prayer closet

The lessons continue in the prayer closet. It's bitter sweet at times. To be honest there are days I don't want to go into the closet because God is faithful in answering my desire of learning and living a disciplined life.
Discipline is found in many commands from the Bible to believe, obey, walk, present, fight, reckon, hold fast, pursue, draw near, and love.

I continue to find the strength of Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit at work to accomplish needed change in my life through sessions in the closet.

"If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit." Galations 5:25 NASB

This is a choice I make daily towards spiritual maturity. To actively have my mind and emotions guided and strengthened by the Holy Spirit.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Hope for Today

My journey involves putting God first daily in my life. Not only spending time in prayer but also renewing my mind through His Holy Word. Ministry requires a constant flowing of the life of Christ and that can only come through reading the Bible, prayer, submission and surrender of those areas in my life that are not pleasing to God. I can't do that if I don't spend time with Him and allow Him to search my heart and mind?

Sometimes it's very painful. I'm a broken person, a sinner.

Sometimes it's very rewarding. I'm a child of the King, Redeemed by Jesus & HIS victory over sin.

I'm reading through the Psalms, studying the Names of God and working on disciplines and spiritual breakthrough by Dr. Bruce Wilkinson. It's taking longer than 30 days to go through this 30 day book. Yep, I need these lessons

Here's my verse of hope and encouragment.

Psalm 30:5
For His anger is but for a moment His favor is for a liftime. Weeping may last for the night but a shout of joy comes in the morning.

God's Word is good. God is GOOD.
Peace be with you.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Skipping chores

For the past two hours I have been reading blogs. Oops, what about those chores...well, I'm blog addictive at times. It's probably about once a month. I like reading what other people are saying, feeling, thinking, sharing, holding onto, releasing, coming to grips with and hopefully giving up to the One who has provided the ultimate Hope to each one of us through Jesus Christ.

Well, I have a half-hour of daylight left...I can surely get something done.. maybe one thing done to finish the day before I sit down and watch a movie with my husband, Len. (I think he's been a busy worker bee...God Bless him, he's a good man.)

Word for the day...Peace

Philippians 4:7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Friday, June 8, 2007

The Provision of Bread

In my devotion and prayer journey this week I'm reading and reflecting upon the legacy that Abraham left. He realized the simplest form of success was obedience to God not in somethings-but everything. He didn't need to work hard or count on the bull market for success. His success depended simply upon the blessing of God.

"Without obedience we will never experience the provision God intends for us." a quote by Ann Spangler. Consider these words by a nineteenth-century Scottish preacher, Alexander MacClaren from her book, Praying the Names of God. "If we wish to have our outward needs supplied, our outward weaknesses strengthened, power and energy sufficient for duty, wisdom for perplexity, a share in the Sacrifice which takes away the sins of the world, we receive them all on the condition that we are found in the place where all God's provision is treasured. If a man chooses to sit outside of the baker's shop, he may starve on its threshold...And if we will not ascend to the hill of the Lord and stand in his holy place by simple faith, and by true communion of heart and life. God's amplest provision is nought to us; and we are empty in the midst of affluence."

WOW-starving for the blessing of God...Sounds like small steps of obedience lead to larger ones and to a steady habit of obedience. This leads to deepened faith in God and will allow a person to experience God and his provision.

I really enjoy bread, let's journey inside the bakery and to receive the provision of The Provider..The Ultimate Baker so we too can leave
a "legacy of faith" like Abraham.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Finished the pizza sale..YEAH !!

The 2008 China team has finished their pizza sale tonight. It's really good to have that behind us. Now we trust God for the rest. He knows our need and we are truly blessed by those who have been kind to support us.

Last night the team met at Lynn's house and we began our book discussion from "The Language of Love" by Graham Cooke. It's an awesome book. Lynn and I went through it for Egypt. Loving it again. It was good to hear each team member share their story of why they want to go to China. We found we have common threads in our stories: want to go deeper with God, committing our lives to serve Him wherever & however, willing to go into the unknown, finding renewed love and passion in living for Christ, finding that God moves mountains of doubt and replaces it with assurance. I'd like to say that there are no fears or difficulties but that's not how it works: there's: travel issues, fear of flying, culture shock, weather (hot), real-life stuff...

Someone asked me how can you decide to go and know that it's God's will for your life. Well, I guess I step into it knowing that there are easy things many people will do here in our own country as first steps of serving but not everyone will go take the light of Christ into the Middle East or China. I've also found that something has been ignited inside of me...not a fear of going, but rather a fear of not going. I want to be obedient to hear and see Him work. Start walking into challenges, if your not supposed to go, God will close the door.

Philippians 2:12Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed—not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence—continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling,

Believing a lie

The objective of my quiet time has been to develop a personal relationship with God and to grow my devotion to Him.

I believe there was a time I thought I could really hide some of the things in my life from God. That was a lie. I think we all do it. We think we can hide those attitudes, thoughts...the real unattractive characteristics that aren't Christ-like. We try to pretend they don't exist or bury them beneath busyness.

Hey, what about this cool truth..He wants me to fully comprehend that He knows everything about me and that He still loves me unconditionally? He pursues me so I can know Him intimately and submit to how He is recreating my heart, renewing my mind and establishing me.

God always sees me as PresentFuture. It's a reality about God. He sees me now who I am but also can see me as who I will be. Will I be honest with myself and Him and allow Him to create in me His likeness?

Yes and yes.

Are you alright with that? God is pursuing YOU. To know God intimately, passionately, confronting Him personally everyday may be a struggle for you. It's been one for me. I encourage you to begin and not give up, press on.

Be known by the One who loves you with perfect love-God.

Peace be with you.

Pursuing God

I've been blogging about going deeper with God through my journey and my prayer life. This week it is striking me like a brick against my head as I study the Hebrew name of God "Yahweh Yireh" which means "the Lord will provide" that God is the one who is pursuing me.
Have you thought about it ? You think your seeking God but He's always the one seeking you out first. You have a choice everyday to make. Give back to Him what He's giving you or... not. The not is a dead-end, dried-up existence that is futile. Not a good choice but one, if I'm honest, that I find I make too often.
Could it be that my pride and selfishness gets the better of me? Most likely. I think I blame it on the busyness of life and other various reasons, but the bottom line rests within me. Sin...don't candy coat it...call it what it is. That way as the Holy Spirit brings it to your attention you can confess it and surrender it. Hey, for me, it feels like an ongoing project. How about you?

Reflect on: Genesis 22:9-12
Praise God: He is highly exalted, glorious beyond our understanding
Offer Thanks: That God is pursuing a relationship with you
Confess: Your tendency not to face the difficult things that God wants you to face.
Ask God: For the grace to make the necessary sacrifice

Great book: Praying the Names of God by Ann Spangler

I'm so thankful God is pursuing me. I've heard....that He's after you too.

Sunday, June 3, 2007


We are so fortunate here in America to have freedoms that are protected. It is a great privilege to be able to worship God and not be verbally abused or threatened to be killed. I'm sure I don't always appreciate this freedom as I should.

One of my dear friends in Cairo, Egypt was telling me early this morning over the week-end (late morning for her) that it is very difficult there for Christians, especially since the recent conflict between Muslims and Coptic Christians. The recent clash has increased tensions in that country. Many persecutions are now taking place but since their government is Muslim they often can experience injustices because they do not possess equal rights with Muslims.

Could this be and indicator as to why Egypt recently was mentioned in an article in Christianity Today that about 35% of the country, the lowest percentage of concern in the world, regarding the tragedy of persecution and extermination of life that is taking place in a country that is their neighbor, Sudan.

May we all remember to be thankful for our freedoms and to pray for those who are being persecuted in the Middle East and around the world.