Friday, February 29, 2008

Weight Training

Monday night Len and I met with Ron, our personal trainer at SuperFitness to begin our weight training regiment. Ron is a retired school teacher of 35 years, teaching health and physical fitness. A really super guy and definitely one of those teachers you wish you would have had when you were in school. Something that stuck with me from our first session is that diet, cardio and weight training all work together for the best health program. Ron mentioned that if you just use one or two of them you won't get the best overall benefits. Diet provides the fuel into the body, cardio provides the conditioning to go the distance and weights provide the strength it takes to endure.
A great bonus from using cardio and weight training is that when you rest after doing both you will burn calories twice as long.

While talking with my friend Gwen about this a correlation occurred to me between our new disciplines and our spiritual life. When we receive a message from the Word of God either by preaching or devotional times, it provides us fuel (diet) for our walk with God. Getting involved in serving is like cardio helping to condition us so we can go the distance. Finally, being involved in a Small Group will offer you strength for the distance. The verse Ecclesiastes 4:9 comes to mind:
"Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed."

I hope you're getting the proper diet, cardio and weight training for both your body and your spiritual life.

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