Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Cat & Dog Theology

Tonight the Small Group I attend began a study on Cat & Dog Theology. I'm familiar with this study because it was part of a presentation included in the Christian Perspectives class I took last year. Brief summary from the 1st lesson is this: Most Christians live like cats thinking their relationship with God is all about them. However if you live like a dog would live, you'd always be acknowledging that life is truly all about God and His receiving the glory.

It's amazing how different I look at things now just because of that Christian Perspectives class. I'm definitely mission minded. Tonight I remembered that even though mission mindedness is a good thing...the most important thing to maintain is: "Is God getting the glory?". Whatever is going on, my eyes should be looking for the how that God is going to be glorified. It's really about HIM, it's not about you or me.

This is going to be an awesome study with Dave, Carol, Penney, Jerry and Len. Stop back and check out the summary for lesson 2.